• Which of the following has the highest energy?
    1. gamma rays
    2. X-rays
    3. Ultra-violet radiation
    4. radio waves

  • All of the following are electromagnetic radiations except__________?
    1. Red light
    2. Sound waves
    3. X-Rays
    4. Photon

  • Second ionization energy:
    1. is always less than first ionization energy
    2. is always greater than first ionization energy
    3. is equal to the first ionization energy
    4. may be greater or less than the first ionization energy depending on the nature of the element

  • Nuclear radiation is emitted by those elements whose:
    1. molecules are stable
    2. molecules are unstable
    3. nuclei are stable
    4. nuclei are unstable

  • Color of the glow produced in the discharge tube:
    1. depends on the pressure in the discharge tube
    2. depends on the metal used as cathode
    3. depends on the gas used in the discharge tube
    4. does not depend on the nature of the gas used in the discharge tube

  • The increasing vapor pressure caused by heating a liquid is due to___________?
    1. increase inter-molecular interactions
    2. increasing potential energy of molecules
    3. increasing kinetic energy of molecules
    4. decreasing surface tension

  • Rate of evaporation of petrol is greater than that of water at room temperature because:
    1. petrol molecules do not have any hydrogen bond
    2. petrol is an organic compound
    3. water molecules have small size
    4. petrol molecules have greater size

  • Honey contain glucose and fructose along with some other ingredients, it has greater viscosity due to____________?
    1. hydrogen bonding
    2. irregular shape of the molecules
    3. irregular shape of the molecules and strong inter-molecular forces
    4. greater molecular size

  • An atom is_____________?
    1. smallest indivisible particle in an element
    2. smallest particle of an element which can undergo a chemical reaction
    3. building block of an element
    4. always smaller than molecule

  • All of the following statements are incorrect except:
    1. Precision and accuracy should go side by side in a scientific work
    2. Scientific work must be precise, accuracy is not essential
    3. Scientific work must be accurate, precision is not essential
    4. Calculations must be made before any experiment

  • The average speed of a moving object during a given interval of time is always:
    1. the magnitude of its average velocity over the interval
    2. the distance covered during the time interval divided by the time interval
    3. one-half its speed at the end of the interval
    4. its acceleration multiplied by the time interval
    5. one-half its acceleration multiplied by the time interval

  • The SI base unit for mass is_____________?
    1. Gram
    2. Pound
    3. Kilogram
    4. Ounce

  • Which of the following is closest to a yard in length?
    1. 0.01m
    2. 0.1m
    3. 1m
    4. 10m
    5. 100m

  • Water is a universal solvent for what reactions?
    1. Chemical
    2. Biochemical
    3. Physical
    4. Nuclear

  • During a total solar eclipse the rate of Photosynthesis___________?
    1. Increase
    2. Decrease
    3. Remain Constant
    4. None of them

  • The SI standard of time is based on_____________?
    1. the daily rotation of the earth
    2. the frequency of light emitted by Kr86
    3. the yearly revolution of the earth about the sun
    4. a precision pendulum clock
    5. none of these

  • Oranges are rich source of____________?
    1. Carbohydrates
    2. Fats
    3. Proteins
    4. Vitamins

  • Which one is the brightest star in the night sky?
    1. Betelgeuse
    2. Sirius
    3. Rigel
    4. Polaris

  • The large dark patches on the Moon’s surface are known as___________?
    1. Dark matter
    2. Maria, or seas, even though there is no water on the Moon
    3. Maria, or seas, because they are filled with water
    4. Moon spots

  • What causes the Moon’s phases?
    1. The Sun lights up only one half of the Moon and as the Moon orbits the Earth we can sometimes see the unlit side of the Moon.
    2. The Sun lights up only one half of the Moon and as the Sun orbits the Earth we can sometimes see the unlit side of the Moon.
    3. The Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon, blocking the sunlight.
    4. The Moon’s shadow falls on the Earth, blocking the sunlight.

  • What are the names of the two stars in the Big Dipper used to locate Polaris?
    1. The North Seekers
    2. The Pointer Stars
    3. The Pointer Sisters
    4. None of these

  • The Big Dipper is part of which constellation?
    1. Ursa Major
    2. Ursa Minor
    3. The Great Bear
    4. A. and C. above

  • The sun is made up of 99.9% of ________________ and ______________?
    1. Oxygen and Hydrogen
    2. Hydrogen and Sulfur
    3. Carbon and Silicon
    4. Hydrogen and Helium

  • Antares is of the largest known ___________?
    1. Quasars Star
    2. Pulsars Star
    3. White Dwarfs Star
    4. Red Super-giants Star

  • This in-between phase of stellar nurseries and star formation in stellar evolution is when the gathered dust is still condensing to form a star.
    1. Alpha Stage
    2. Stellar Genesis
    3. Protostar
    4. Star of Adam