• Particle clouds from where stars are formed are known as____________?
    1. Stellar nurseries
    2. Star clouds
    3. Event horizons
    4. Singularities

  • PSR J0108-1431 is the closest known ______________ to Earth?
    1. Black hole
    2. Red giant
    3. Quasar
    4. Pulsar

  • When a star becomes a singularity and has zero volume and infinite density, it is called_______________?
    1. White dwarf
    2. Blue giant
    3. Wolf-Raynet star
    4. Black hole

  • You have discovered a new celestial body. It has a thick atmosphere and it produces powerful cosmic winds and, when observed, the clouds obscure the body. You have determined it is this type of star.
    1. Wolf-Rayet star
    2. Red supergiant
    3. Stellar storm
    4. Pulsar

  • In a typical H-R diagram, stars are graphed by these two characteristics:
    1. Temperature and luminosity
    2. Luminosity and distance
    3. Distance and temperature
    4. Size and distance

  • A pulsar is a rapidly spinning neutron star which emits:
    1. A blinding light when it aligns with the planets
    2. Radio waves detectable from Earth
    3. A gravitational pull which attracts high energy dust particles
    4. Enough energy to power itself indefinitely

  • What sub-class of neutron star is known for its extremely high magnetic field?
    1. Magnetar
    2. Quasar
    3. Magneto
    4. Magnetta

  • When our sun reaches the end of its red giant phase, it will turn into a___________?
    1. Supernova
    2. White Dwarf
    3. Black Hole
    4. Neutron Star

  • Insulin drug was discovered by____________?
    1. Charles Herbert Best
    2. Prof John James Rickard Macleod
    3. Sir Frederick Grant Banting
    4. Leonard Thompson

  • Most drugs are excreted through_____________?
    1. Kidney
    2. Skin
    3. Gallbladder
    4. Lungs

  • A glass chimney stops an oil lamp from smoking because:
    1. It increases the supply of oxygen to the flame by convection
    2. The heat produced ensures complete
    3. Both to these
    4. Neither of these

  • The common refrigerant used in domestic Refrigerator is_____________?
    1. Neon
    2. Spirit
    3. Freon/Ammonia
    4. Methane

  • The pancreas secrets___________?
    1. Insulin
    2. Vitamin A
    3. Bile juice
    4. none of these

  • Wood is the main raw material for the manufacture of ____________?
    1. Paint
    2. Gun powder
    3. Paper
    4. Ink

  • The chemical name of Laughing gas is___________?
    1. Nitric oxide
    2. Nitrogen dioxide
    3. Nitrogen pentoxide
    4. Nitrous oxide

  • In the manufacture of banaspati ghee the gas used is __________?
    1. Helium
    2. Hydrogen
    3. Oxygen
    4. Nitrogen

  • ______________ is used for measuring velocity?
    1. Speedometer
    2. Anemometer
    3. Odometer
    4. Hygrometer

  • Which Gas is used in the preparation of Soft drinks?
    1. Oxygen
    2. Carbon dioxide
    3. Nitrogen
    4. Halogen

  • What does TCM stand for in medical terms?
    1. Techno Circuit Module
    2. Traditional Chinese medicine
    3. Tetra Carbon Mono oxide
    4. Tele Communication Management

  • Which is least Conductor of Electricity among the following?
    1. Wood
    2. Copper
    3. Iron
    4. Water

  • Sunlight is composed of___________?
    1. Three colours
    2. six colours
    3. seven colours
    4. eight colours

  • If the length of a heater coil is reduced by 10% of its original length, then Power consumed by heater will?
    1. Increase over 10%
    2. Decrease by 10%
    3. Decrease by 0.5%
    4. Increase by 0.5%

  • Current stage of star ';Sun'; is___________?
    1. white dwarf
    2. red giant
    3. yellow dwarf
    4. orange dwarf

  • Blood which heart pumps to lungs is__________?
    1. deoxygenated blood
    2. lymph fluid
    3. atria blood
    4. oxygenated blood

  • The scientific study of teeth is called ____________?
    1. Odontology
    2. Ornithology
    3. Orthoepy
    4. Pedagogy