• Copper is used in the production of___________?
    1. Brick kilns
    2. Children toys
    3. Kitchen utilities
    4. Electric wires

  • When water is filled in a bottle and is allowed to freeze, the bottle breaks because
    1. Water expands on freezing
    2. Bottle contracts at freezing point
    3. temperature outside the bottle is less than that inside the bottle.
    4. None of the above

  • A tight-rope walker carries a long pole which he holds across his body. The purpose of this pole is to__________?
    1. Prop him up if he falls
    2. Spread out his weight and reduce the pressure on the rope
    3. Add extra weight to keep the rope tightly stretched
    4. To keep the Center of gravity always above vertically above the rope

  • The sky appears blue because the earth’s atmosphere __________?
    1. Scatters blue light
    2. Reflects blue light
    3. Transmits blue light
    4. Has actual blue cover

  • The property by virtue of which metals can be beaten into thin sheets is known as?
    1. Ductility
    2. Malleability
    3. Conductivity
    4. Density

  • Steering of a car involves?
    1. A single force
    2. Two forces acting in the same direction
    3. Two forces acting along different lines and in opposite direction.
    4. A pair of forces acting along the same line and in opposite direction

  • Which one of the following is the main culprit in the thinning of Ozone layer in the earth';s stratosphere?
    1. Carbon dioxide
    2. Chlorofluorocarbons
    3. Nitrogen oxides
    4. Methane

  • Fuse wire is made of_____________?
    1. 63% tin and 37% lead
    2. 63% lead and 37% tin
    3. 63% tin and 37% aluminum
    4. 63% lead and 37% aluminum

  • The approximate intensity level of the sound which can cause damage to the ear drum is?
    1. 20 dB
    2. 60 dB
    3. 100 dB
    4. 160 dB

  • What is the smallest unit of heredity?
    1. Chromosomes
    2. Gene
    3. Nucleotides
    4. none

  • When a patient';s immune system becomes reactive to a drug, this is an example of?
    1. Super infection
    2. Drug resistance
    3. Allergy
    4. none

  • The shape of the external ear is due to____________?
    1. Elastic cartilage
    2. Fibrocartilage
    3. Articular cartilage
    4. none

  • Which of these is not a region of the spinal cord?
    1. Thoracic
    2. Pelvic
    3. Lumbar
    4. none

  • The damage to the_________nerve could result in the defect of the eye movement:
    1. Optic
    2. Trigeminal
    3. Abducens
    4. none

  • The autonomic nervous system innervates all of these except?
    1. Cardiac muscles
    2. Skeletal muscles
    3. Smooth muscles
    4. none

  • Serum if blood plasma minus its?
    1. Calcium ions
    2. Clotting proteins
    3. Globulins
    4. none

  • It is impossible for a type of O+ baby to have a type of____________mother:
    1. AB-
    2. O-
    3. O+
    4. none

  • Which of the following is not an enzyme?
    1. Chemotrypsin
    2. Secretin
    3. Pepsin
    4. none

  • The number of electrons of a neutral atom is automatically known if one knows the?
    1. Atomic number
    2. Atomic weight
    3. Number of orbitals
    4. none

  • An area of microbiology that is concerned with the occurence of disease in human population is?
    1. Immunology
    2. Paracitology
    3. Epidemiology
    4. none

  • It is a secondary plant nutrient?
    1. Nitrogen
    2. Phosphorus
    3. Sulphur
    4. none

  • Vacuum tubes have been replaced by__________?
    1. Conductors
    2. Diodes
    3. Transistors
    4. None of these

  • Geiger-Muller counter is used to detect__________?
    1. Protons
    2. Neutrons
    3. Photons
    4. none

  • The severity of 2005 earthquake in Pakistan on Richter scale was ?
    1. 6.9
    2. 7.6
    3. 7.1
    4. none

  • The unit to measure the quantity of Ozone in atmosphere is?
    1. Dobson
    2. Dalton
    3. Cuolomb
    4. none