• One of the following countries produces maximum energy from atomic reactors?
    1. France
    2. USA
    3. UK
    4. none

  • The Beta particles are fast moving___________?
    1. Protons
    2. Electrons
    3. Neutrons
    4. None

  • The alpha particles are compact clusters of______________?
    1. Electron and Proton
    2. Two Protons and two Neutrons
    3. Three protons and three Neutrons
    4. None

  • Atom is made up of____________different kinds of subatomic particles:
    1. Three
    2. Two
    3. Four
    4. None

  • He was the first scientist to prove that Planets move around the sun?
    1. Archimedes
    2. Galileo Galilei
    3. John Kepler
    4. None

  • Phosphorus is an essential component of one of the following biological molecules:
    1. Amino acids
    2. Nucleic acids
    3. Carbohydrates
    4. None

  • One of these scientists formulated basic laws of Geometry?
    1. Pythagorus
    2. Archimedes
    3. Aristotle
    4. None

  • The earth’s ___________ is divided into 15 major plates of various sizes
    1. Mesosphere
    2. Stratosphere
    3. Lithosphere
    4. None

  • UV light falls in the category of___________?
    1. Ionizing Radiations
    2. Non Ionizing Radiation
    3. Visible light
    4. None

  • Basha Dam is to be constructed on___________?
    1. River Sutlaj
    2. River Jhelum
    3. River Chenab
    4. None (On Indus River in Gilgit-Baltistan)

  • Anti Diuretic hormone is secreted by one of the following glands?
    1. Pituitary
    2. Pancreas
    3. Thyroid
    4. None

  • Equator passes through one of these countries___________?
    1. Saudi Arabia
    2. Italy
    3. Japan
    4. None

  • One of the following is a water soluble vitamin?
    1. Vitamin A
    2. Vitamin D
    3. Vitamin K
    4. None

  • Deuterium differs from Hydrogen in having:
    1. Different atomic number but same atomic weight
    2. Different atomic number and different atomic weight
    3. Same atomic number and different atomic weight
    4. None

  • Which month of calendar year can lack a new moon?
    1. December
    2. February
    3. May
    4. None

  • The chemical name of quartz is:
    1. Silicon Dioxide
    2. Stannous Oxide
    3. Aluminium Oxide
    4. None

  • The atmosphere of moon consists of______________?
    1. 90% Hydrogen, 10% Nitrogen
    2. 80%Nitrogen, 20% Hydrogen
    3. 60% Nitrogen, 40%inert gases
    4. None

  • The dominant phase of life cycle in these organism is haploid?
    1. Mosses
    2. Bacteria
    3. Protozoa
    4. None

  • Which group of animals has heterogametic females?
    1. Domestic fowl
    2. Earthworm
    3. Rabbit
    4. None

  • The biggest species of the cat family is___________?
    1. Tiger
    2. Lion
    3. Leopard
    4. None

  • The biggest planet in our solar system is___________?
    1. Venus
    2. Pluto
    3. Jupiter
    4. None

  • The sunlight can reach a depth of___________meters in the ocean
    1. 80
    2. 200
    3. 120
    4. None

  • Albatros is__________?
    1. A sea bird
    2. A beetle
    3. A fruit
    4. None

  • The field of specialization of famous Muslim scientist Abu Usman Aljahiz was?
    1. Botany
    2. Zoology
    3. Astronomy
    4. None

  • Who proposed this concept “All motion is relative”?
    1. Albert Einstein
    2. John Kepler
    3. Galileo Galilie
    4. None