• Which of the following glands secrete tears?
    1. Lachrymal
    2. Pituitary
    3. Thyroid
    4. Pancreas

  • The function of hemoglobin is____________?
    1. Transportation of oxygen
    2. Destruction of bacteria
    3. Prevention of anemia
    4. Utilization of energy

  • The main function of the kidney is ____________?
    1. To control blood pressure
    2. To control body temperature
    3. To remove waste product from the body
    4. To help in digestion of food

  • The main constituent of hemoglobin is___________?
    1. Chlorine
    2. Iron
    3. Calcium
    4. None of these

  • What is the main component of bones and teeth?
    1. Calcium carbonate
    2. Calcium phosphate
    3. Calcium sulphate
    4. Calcium nitrate

  • The largest part of the human brain is ___________?
    1. Medulla oblongata
    2. Cerebellum
    3. Cerebrum
    4. None of these

  • How many bones are there in an adult human being?
    1. 210
    2. 260
    3. 206
    4. 300

  • Red blood corpuscles are formed in the____________?
    1. Liver
    2. Bone marrow
    3. Kidneys
    4. Heart

  • Total volume of blood in a normal adult human being is
    1. 5-6 liters
    2. 3-4 liters
    3. 8-10 liters
    4. 10-12 liters

  • Which of the following helps in clotting of blood?
    1. Vitamin B1
    2. Vitamin B2
    3. Vitamin D
    4. Vitamin K

  • What is the body temperature of a normal man?
    1. 81.1 °C
    2. 37.0 °C
    3. 98.6 °C
    4. 21.7 °C

  • Cobalt is a material which is ?
    1. Strongly attracted by a magnet
    2. Not attracted by a magnet
    3. not a magnet
    4. Weakly attracted by a magnet
    5. None of these

  • In humans , most nutrient molecules are absorbed by the ?
    1. Small intestine
    2. Stomach
    3. Liver
    4. Large intestine
    5. None of these

  • The instrument which i specially design for recording earth quake wave is called seismograph which measure earth quake waves on a ____________?
    1. Diatonic scale
    2. Fahrenheit Scale
    3. Richter scale
    4. Celsius Scale
    5. None of these

  • Myopia is a defect of Human eye. it can be corrected by using a lens called?
    1. Convex lens
    2. Concave lens
    3. Cylindrical lens
    4. Plano convex lens
    5. None of these

  • A body can escape the gravitational pull of the earth if it is thrown up with a velocity of?
    1. 25 miles per sec
    2. 60 miles per sec
    3. 7 miles per sec
    4. 10 miles per sec
    5. None of these

  • A nuclear reactor is a device used to carry out controlled nuclear reaction whereas GM counter is a device used to detect?
    1. Current
    2. Voltage
    3. Nuclear Radiation
    4. power
    5. None of these

  • Magnifying power of a simple microscope can be increased by ?
    1. increasing focal length of the lens
    2. Decreasing focal length of the lens
    3. Lens of large aperture
    4. lens of short aperture
    5. None of these

  • Twinkling of stars is caused by ?
    1. Reflection of light
    2. Polarization of light
    3. refraction of light
    4. Interference of light
    5. None of these

  • The deepest place on earth is ____________?
    1. Trench
    2. Mariana Trench
    3. Mangrove
    4. Groove
    5. None of these

  • Cusec is a unit of _________?
    1. Area
    2. Time
    3. Distance
    4. mass
    5. None of these

  • Lactometer is a type of Hydrometer which is used to measure the specific gravity of _________?
    1. Honey
    2. Water
    3. Milk
    4. olive oil
    5. None of these

  • The temperature of the dead body is_______________?
    1. 0 ‘C
    2. 37 ‘
    3. Room Temperature
    4. Temperature of the place where it is kept
    5. None of these

  • The Continent Antarctica lies at the__________?
    1. North pole
    2. South pole
    3. middle of the earth
    4. Equator
    5. None of these

  • German Silver is an alloy of___________?
    1. Zn + Ni
    2. Cu + Zn
    3. Cu + Ni
    4. Cu + Sn
    5. None of these