• The half life of a radioactive element is 8-days. How long it take to reduce it from 10 mg to 5 mg?
    1. 4 days
    2. 12 days
    3. 16 days
    4. 8 days
    5. None of these

  • The number of spark plugs needed in a diesel engine is__________?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 0
    4. 4
    5. None of these

  • Where do most of Asteroids lie?
    1. In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
    2. In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Venus
    3. In asteroid belt between the orbits of Jupiter and Venus
    4. Everywhere in the sky
    5. None of these

  • Television signals are converted into light signals by___________?
    1. Optical fiber
    2. Transistor
    3. Decoder
    4. Photo diode
    5. None of these

  • Which of the following explains the reason why there is no total eclipse of the sun?
    1. Size of the earth in relation to that of moon
    2. Orbit of moon around earth
    3. Direction of rotation of earth around sun
    4. Area of the sun covered by the moon
    5. None of these

  • Which of the following layers make radio transmission possible?
    1. Troposphere
    2. Ionosphere
    3. Mesosphere
    4. Stratosphere
    5. None of these

  • Diamond is a very expensive ornament. It is composed of a single element ___________?
    1. Carbon
    2. Gold
    3. Silver
    4. Platinum
    5. None of these

  • The position of earth in its orbit, when it is at its greatest distance from the sun causing northern summer is called ___________?
    1. Aphelion
    2. Perihelion
    3. Perigee
    4. Apogee
    5. None of these

  • Eugenics is the study of___________________?
    1. Altering human beings by changing their genetic components
    2. People of European region
    3. Different races of mankind
    4. Genetic of plants
    5. None of these

  • The most splendid and the most magnificent constellation on the sky is?
    1. Orion
    2. Columbia
    3. Canis Major
    4. Taurus
    5. None of these

  • Orbital period of the planet Mercury around the sun is _____________?
    1. 88 days
    2. 365 days
    3. 2 years
    4. 98 days
    5. None of these

  • Which of the following is most elastic ?
    1. Steel
    2. Rubber
    3. Glass
    4. Sponge
    5. None of these

  • Bronze is an alloy of ____________?
    1. Copper and Zinc
    2. Tin and Zinc
    3. Copper and Tin
    4. Iron and Zinc
    5. None of these

  • Hygrometer is used for measuring the ____________?
    1. Speed of sound
    2. Density of milk
    3. Humidity of air
    4. Specific gravity of liquids
    5. None of these

  • Defeciency of following vitamin decreases hemoglobin production ?
    1. Biotin
    2. Thiamine
    3. Niacin
    4. Pyridoxine
    5. None of these

  • Chemical name of vinegar is _____________?
    1. Sodium Nitrate
    2. Dilute acetic acid
    3. Chloride of lime
    4. Calcium

  • Dry ice is ___________?
    1. Methane hydrate
    2. Liquid Nitrogen
    3. Solid Carbon dioxide
    4. Frozen Water
    5. None of these

  • Chemical used to kill rats and mice are ?
    1. Insecticides
    2. Rodenticides
    3. Fungicides
    4. Herbicides
    5. None of these

  • The science which deals with study of manners and customs of people is ?
    1. Ethnology
    2. Morphology
    3. Ethics
    4. Genetics
    5. None of these

  • The instrument which measures very high temperature is____________?
    1. Manometer
    2. Thermostat
    3. Chronometer
    4. Pyrometer

  • Founder of modern astronomy was _________________?
    1. Archimedes
    2. William Gilbert
    3. Nicolas Copernicus
    4. Michael Faraday
    5. None of these

  • Which form of drug abuse involves most risk of infection with the HIV (AIDS) virus ?
    1. Cigarette smoking
    2. Using alcholo
    3. Injection of heroine
    4. Taking too much aspirin
    5. None of these

  • Role of biotechnology in the production of food based on ___________?
    1. Decomposition
    2. Respiration
    3. Digestion
    4. Fermentation
    5. None of these

  • What is the chance of diabetic baby born to parents both heterogeneous normal ?
    1. Zero
    2. ¼
    3. ½
    4. ¾
    5. None of these

  • Which triplet in DNA codes for valine ?
    1. CTT
    2. AGU
    3. CAT
    4. AAT
    5. None of these