• The fourth state of matter is?
    1. Water
    2. Salts
    3. Vapours
    4. Plasma

  • About 50% of the Earth’s crust, including the waters on the Earth and atmosphere, is?
    1. Oxygen
    2. Cabon Dioxide
    3. Silicon
    4. Clay

  • Acid rain is mainly caused by emissions of __________ in the atmosphere?
    1. Sulfur Dioxide and Potassium Nitrate
    2. Sulfur and Charcoal
    3. Nitrogen Oxide and Potassium Nitrate
    4. Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide

  • In general, wind speed of 10 –13 kph caused_______?
    1. minor or no damage
    2. considerable damage
    3. severe damage
    4. extreme damage

  • Water covers __________ of the Earth';s surface?
    1. 61%
    2. 67%
    3. 71%
    4. 76%

  • Who is considered the founder of meteorology?
    1. Aristotle
    2. Plato
    3. Einstein
    4. Newton

  • Wind energy is the __________ energy.
    1. Potential
    2. Transverse
    3. Kinetic
    4. Mechanical

  • The energy value of food is measured in_______?
    1. Joule
    2. Calories
    3. Tesla
    4. Proteins

  • The natural fats and oils are composed of_________?
    1. Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
    2. Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen
    3. Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen
    4. Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen

  • The instrument used to measure wind speed is?
    1. Anemometer
    2. Barometer
    3. Hydrometer
    4. Hygrometer

  • The source of oxygen in photosynthesis is
    1. water
    2. salts
    3. minerals
    4. glucose

  • The gas, commonly known as “laughing gas”, is
    1. Carbon Dioxide
    2. Sulfur Dioxide
    3. Nitrous Oxide
    4. Sodium Oxide

  • The good sources of iodine are_______?
    1. green leafy vegetables
    2. seeds
    3. fresh vegetables and fruits
    4. sea foods

  • The good sources of Vitamin-C are________?
    1. green leafy vegetables
    2. seeds
    3. fresh vegetables and fruits
    4. sea foods

  • The good sources of Vitamin-B Complex are?
    1. green leafy vegetables
    2. seeds
    3. fresh vegetables and fruits
    4. sea foods

  • The good sources of Vitamin-A are?
    1. green leafy vegetables
    2. seeds
    3. fresh vegetables and fruits
    4. sea foods

  • Diamond is an allotropic form of_______?
    1. Carbon
    2. Hydrogen
    3. Nitrogen
    4. Silicon

  • The Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, by volume, is_______?
    1. 0.039%
    2. 3.9%
    3. 13%
    4. 30%

  • Meteorology is the study of?
    1. Seasons
    2. Atmosphere
    3. Air and sounds
    4. Winds and clouds

  • Deficiency of __________ causes loss of appetite and poor growth?
    1. zinc
    2. iodine
    3. copper
    4. iron

  • For proper formation of teeth, __________ is essential?
    1. iodine
    2. copper
    3. fluorine
    4. iron

  • Carrot is good source of Vitamin _______?
    1. Vitamin A
    2. Vitamin B
    3. Vitamin C
    4. Vitamin D

  • Digestion of food is completed in the __________?
    1. small intestine
    2. large intestine
    3. stomach
    4. Liver

  • What is Dry Ice?
    1. Solid Oxygen
    2. Solid Carbon Dioxide
    3. Solid Hydrogen
    4. Solid Nitrogen

  • The SI unit of electric current is?
    1. Coloumb
    2. Ampere
    3. Volt
    4. Watt