• The Shortest (smallest) bone in human body is___________?
    1. Stapes
    2. Tibia
    3. Femur
    4. Humerus

  • The longest bone in human body is___________?
    1. Ulna
    2. Tibia
    3. Femur
    4. Humerus

  • Which of the following cells are Colourless?
    1. Red blood cells
    2. White blood cells
    3. Monocytes
    4. platelets

  • Which among the following is the correct sequence of the various layers of the Atmosphere from the Earth';s surface?
    1. Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere
    2. Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Ionosphere, Troposphere
    3. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere
    4. Troposphere, Ionosphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere

  • How many teeth are there in human mouth?
    1. 30
    2. 33
    3. 32
    4. 31

  • What is the breathing rate of human being body?
    1. 15-11 minutes
    2. 16-20 minutes
    3. 25-26 minutes
    4. 32-35 minutes

  • Sunlight is a Great Source of ____________?
    1. vitamin C
    2. vitamin D
    3. vitamin E
    4. vitamin K

  • The study of cancer is called_____________?
    1. Zoology
    2. Ecology
    3. Genomic
    4. Oncology

  • At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow?
    1. 90 degrees
    2. 60 degrees
    3. 40 degrees
    4. 65 degrees

  • which of the following planets is known as ";morning star";?
    1. Mercury
    2. VENUS
    3. Mars
    4. Saturn

  • Which of the following planets have the longest day?
    1. Jupiter
    2. Mercury
    3. Earth
    4. Venus

  • The human brain uses__________ percent of the total oxygen and blood in the body?
    1. 20
    2. 12
    3. 35
    4. 48

  • A Little inhalation is done through________?
    1. cigarettes
    2. pipes and cigars
    3. Both A and B offer little inhalation
    4. both offer extreme inhalation

  • The ozone layer is at height of________kilometers from the surface of the Earth?
    1. 10 to 20
    2. 20 to 30
    3. 30 to 40
    4. 40 to 50

  • The inner most part of the earth is__________?
    1. Crust
    2. Mental
    3. Core
    4. None of these

  • Deficiency of vitamin B1 is causes__________?
    1. Rickets
    2. Bone Infection
    3. Beriberi
    4. Myopia

  • Short-sight defect could be corrected by a _____________ lens?
    1. concave lens
    2. convex lens
    3. converging lens
    4. none of these

  • The repetition of property after a certain interval called ___________?
    1. Electron efinity
    2. Atomic radius
    3. periodicity of property
    4. none of these

  • The study Of GLANDS is called?
    1. cardiology
    2. None of these
    3. Endocrinology
    4. Entomology

  • The distance of mercury from sun is__________?
    1. 56 million km
    2. 57.9 million km
    3. 58.9 million km
    4. 59.1 million

  • Sound cannot travel through __________
    1. Solid
    2. Liquid
    3. Gases
    4. Vaccum

  • How many bones in our body?
    1. 102
    2. 306
    3. 206
    4. 204

  • Entomology Is the Study of___________?
    1. worms
    2. insects
    3. Animals
    4. All of these

  • Who invented the safety pin?
    1. Charles Goodbye
    2. steward Harshone
    3. Walter Hunt
    4. A.Rose

  • The speed of sound in air at sea level is approximately____________?
    1. 300 meter per second
    2. 320 meter per second
    3. 340 meters per second
    4. 370 meter per second