• A loudspeaker changes _________ energy into sound energy.
    1. Chemical
    2. Electrical
    3. Light
    4. Kinetic

  • The strongest part(s) of a magnet is/are _________?
    1. North pole
    2. South pole
    3. North and south pole
    4. Median of north and south pole

  • Which metallic element is liquid at room temperature?
    1. Zinc
    2. Nickel
    3. Lead
    4. Mercury

  • Pathology is the study of____________?
    1. Ethics
    2. Disease
    3. Future
    4. Cancer

  • International date line passes through which strait?
    1. Malacca Strait
    2. Adam Strait
    3. Bering Strait
    4. Java Strait

  • Hepatitis is a disease of which of the following organ?
    1. Heart
    2. Liver
    3. Lungs
    4. Brain

  • Which of the following female mosquito is the cause of Dengue fever?
    1. Aedes Aegypteis
    2. Anophilies
    3. Barinohils
    4. N.O.A

  • Who discovered the Gamma Rays?
    1. Alfred Marshall
    2. Paul Villard
    3. Bohar
    4. Jabar bin Hayan

  • The most brightest planet amongst the eight planets?
    1. Mercury
    2. Jupiter
    3. Venus
    4. Neptune

  • Segmented Worms take breath through:_________?
    1. Mouth
    2. Nose
    3. Moist Skin
    4. Head

  • Year is longest on:___________?
    1. Jupiter
    2. Earth
    3. Mercury
    4. Mars

  • The gravitational pull at the lunar surface is ________ of Earth?
    1. 1/3
    2. 1/4
    3. 1/5
    4. 1/6

  • X-rays were discovered by __________?
    1. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
    2. Thomson
    3. Ernest Rutherford
    4. Bacquerel

  • Bamboo is a__________?
    1. Herb
    2. Grass
    3. Shurb
    4. Tree

  • Glucose syrup is made from__________?
    1. oat
    2. wheat
    3. maize
    4. rice

  • who invented bulb?
    1. Philips
    2. Robert
    3. Edison
    4. Willium

  • Central Color of Rainbow is__________?
    1. Blue
    2. Green
    3. Red
    4. Indigo

  • Study of current and past landscapes formation is known as____________?
    1. Morphology
    2. Aero logy
    3. Geo-morphology
    4. Biology

  • Which one of the following is applicable to the planet ';Venus';?

  • The setting sun often looks oval in the shape because of__________?
    1. The fact that sun really becomes oval in the evening
    2. Refraction of rays of sun passing through the atmosphere
    3. Optical Illusion
    4. Dispersion

  • Hailey';s comet is visible after every_________?
    1. 84 years
    2. 76 years
    3. 1000 years
    4. 365 years

  • Which of the followong spacecrsft enabled man to step on the moon first?
    1. Spuntnik I
    2. Luna II
    3. Vostok I
    4. Apollo XI

  • Among the planets of the Solar system the position of the Earth from the Sun is:_________?
    1. Second
    2. Third
    3. Fourth
    4. Sixth

  • Most important effect of the moon on earth is that it___________?
    1. Causes weather change
    2. Causes earthquakes
    3. Causes solar and lunar eclipse
    4. Effects tides of the ocean

  • The Lunar eclipse occurs when:
    1. Moon is b/w the earth and the sun
    2. Earth is b/w the sun and the moon
    3. Sun is b/w the earth and the moon
    4. Earth is at right angles to the direction of the sun and the moon