• Arachnophobia is fear of __________?
    1. Fear of Snakes
    2. Fear of  Mosquito
    3. Fear of Cat
    4. Fear of Spider

  • Which Country has No Words in National Anthem?
    1. Spain
    2. Nigeria
    3. Greenland
    4. Iceland

  • Which Country has the longest national anthem of the world?
    1. Egypt
    2. Russia
    3. Canada
    4. Greece

  • Which country has the shortest national anthem in the World?
    1. Brazil
    2. Canada
    3. Egypt
    4. Japan

  • Which country has no National Anthem?
    1. Peru
    2. South Sudan
    3. South Africa
    4. Cyprus

  • Which Country have two National Anthem?
    1. NewZeland and Denmark
    2. China and Russia
    3. Iraq  and Iran
    4. U.K and U.S.A

  • Atlas Mountain is found in__________?
    1. Niger
    2. Congo
    3. Morocco
    4. Italy

  • When did women compete in Olympic Games in first time?
    1. 1900
    2. 1912
    3. 1916
    4. 1920

  • First commercial cellphone service started in 1984 in________?
    1. Londin ( UK)
    2. paris ( France)
    3. Rome (italy)

  • Famous novel "; Train to Pakistan"; written by___________?
    1. Jaswant Singh
    2. I K Adwani
    3. Khushwant Singh
    4. None of these

  • North Korea first tested its nuclear weapons in___________?
    1. 2004
    2. 2005
    3. 2006
    4. 2007

  • Shahid Beheshti port lies in___________?
    1. India
    2. Bangladesh
    3. Iran
    4. Pakistan

  • OPCW deals with___________?
    1. Community welfare
    2. Conflict prevention
    3. Chemical weapons
    4. None of these

  • Ufa is city of_________?
    1. American
    2. Russia
    3. Lithuania
    4. None of these

  • Article 51 of the UN charter deals with___________?
    1. Right to offense
    2. Non- military intervention
    3. Right to self defense
    4. None of these

  • Which city was named as Shah jahanabad?
    1. Delhi
    2. Agra
    3. Rajasthan
    4. None

  • Origin of ';Modren Globaliztion'; i.e Globalization of 20th/21st century can mainly be credited to_________?
    1. Industrial Revolution
    2. Bretton Woods Conferences
    3. Word Trade Organization
    4. None of the above.

  • Isthmus is___________?
    1. A lagoon
    2. An inland Sea
    3. An island in a river
    4. Narrow piece of land  connecting larger land areas

  • Duckworth Lewis method in cricket was introduced after 1992 Cricket World Cup by___________?
    1. Frank Duckworth
    2. Tony Lewis
    3. Jhon Lewis & Allen Duckworth
    4. Both A & B

  • Keeping of Birds Called___________?
    1. Apiculture
    2. Aviculture
    3. Viniculture
    4. Viticulture

  • ';Quwwat ul-Islam'; Mosque is in_______________?
    1. Kabul
    2. Agra
    3. Lahore
    4. Delhi

  • Which of the following is world';s 5th largest country (by area)?
    1. Argentina
    2. United States of America
    3. Brazil
    4. Kazakhstan

  • Who was called “The Desert Fox”?
    1. Adolf Hitler
    2. Gen. Erwin Rommel
    3. Williams Roger';s
    4. Sir. Robert Rogers

  • Bo-Kaap is Historic character and Heritage located in__________?
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. South Africa
    3. Zambia
    4. Nepal

  • Vincent Van Gogh was a__________?
    1. Actor
    2. Painter
    3. Sportsmen