• Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, was elected speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, the first woman to hold the post in________?
    1. 2006
    2. 2007
    3. 2008
    4. 2009

  • Who became the first woman to summit Mount Everest in 1975?
    1. Jumko Tabei
    2. Jane Anderson
    3. Kane Sharpa
    4. Victoria Anderson

  • The first women to fly solo around the world?
    1. Emile Brunt
    2. Eva Braun
    3. Jerrie Mock
    4. Jennifer Ale

  • The world';s largest apparel producing country is__________?
    1. Pakistan
    2. Bangladesh
    3. China
    4. India

  • When was the World Health Organisation established?
    1. April 6th 1948
    2. April 7th 1948
    3. April 5th 1948
    4. April 8th 1948

  • The longest Blue Whale had a length of how many feet?
    1. 99 Feet
    2. 105 Feet
    3. 111 Feet
    4. 115 Feet

  • Amir Khosrou was disciple of__________?
    1. Shah Rukan e Alam
    2. khawaja Fareed
    3. Nizam Uddin Auliya
    4. None of these

  • Abbasid defeated Ummayad in__________?
    1. 751 AD
    2. 755 AD
    3. 750 AD
    4. None of these

  • Iraq';s Capital Baghdad was built by__________?
    1. Ibn e Hashim
    2. Al Mansoor
    3. Uqba bin Rafay
    4. None of these

  • Gobi desert is located in__________?
    1. India
    2. Russia
    3. Syria
    4. Mongolia

  • Who was the founder of Democratic party of USA ?
    1. Franklin Roosevelt
    2. Andrew Jackson
    3. Kenndy
    4. George Washington

  • ";Eagle"; is the National emblem of_____________?
    1. Pakistan
    2. India
    3. Spain
    4. Germany

  • Optic fibers are mainly used for which of the following:
    1. Communication
    2. Weaving
    3. Food indudtry
    4. None of these

  • Which Turkish tribe created the ";OTTOMAN"; Empire?
    1. Serbia
    2. Asia-Minor
    3. Anatolia
    4. Central-Asia

  • Epigraphy means:____________?
    1. The study of coins
    2. The study of Inscriptions
    3. The study of Epics
    4. None of these

  • When is World Hemophilia Day observed?
    1. April 16th
    2. April 17th
    3. April 18th
    4. April 19th

  • What is the real name of famous comedian and actor of Pakistan ";Lehri";?
    1. Irfan khoosat
    2. Safirullah Saddiqui
    3. Athar Shah Khan Jaidi
    4. None of these

  • What was the name of the ship abroad which Charles Darwin made discoveries that led to his theory of natural selection?
    1. HMS Nina
    2. HMS Heagle
    3. HMS Beagle
    4. HMS Wreagle

  • World Tuna day is celebrated every year on_______May?
    1. 2
    2. 1
    3. 3
    4. 4

  • The Second largest city of Pakistan is
    1. Rawalpindi
    2. Lahore
    3. Multan
    4. Quetta

  • CARICOM (Caribbean Community) was established on_____________?
    1. 1 July 1966
    2. 1 August 1973
    3. 1 September 1984
    4. None of these

  • Gambit is a term associated with which of the following games?
    1. Bridge
    2. Carrot
    3. Chess
    4. Billiards

  • Dribbling is a term associated with all of the following except:
    1. Basketball
    2. Football
    3. Hockey
    4. Base Ball

  • Arena is the special name for playground of___________?
    1. Cricket
    2. Lawn Tennis
    3. Wrestling
    4. Skating

  • Who won World War 1?
    1. U.S.A, U.k and Germany
    2. Australia, U.k and Germany
    3. U.S.A, U.k and France
    4. Hungary, U.k and Germany