• Which animal picture is on World Health Organization (WHO) Logo?
    1. Elephant
    2. Horse
    3. Snake
    4. Lion

  • When was Global day of Parents celebrated annually?
    1. June 3
    2. June 12
    3. May 29
    4. June 1

  • When is the World Bicycle Day observed?
    1. 1 June
    2. 2 June
    3. 3 June
    4. 4 June

  • When did the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declare 3 June as International World Bicycle Day?
    1. 2018
    2. 2019
    3. 2020
    4. None of these

  • United Nations Command, a unified command for the multinational military forces that oversees affairs in the heavily fortified DMZ, was establised in Tokyo in__________?
    1. 1949
    2. 1950
    3. 1951
    4. 1952

  • Author of ';With the Quaid-i-Azam During His Last Days'; is__________?
    1. G. Allana
    2. Sir Muhammad shafi
    3. Col. Elahi Bakash
    4. Hector Balitho

  • Author of ';In the line of fire'; is____________?
    1. Ayub khan
    2. Yahya khan
    3. Pervaiz Musharaf
    4. Z.A Bhutto

  • Which port city is called the ';Queen of the Arabian Sea';?
    1. Kochi
    2. Delhi
    3. Karachi
    4. Dhaka

  • Treaty about the fragmentation of Ottoman Empire ?
    1. Treaty of Versailles
    2. Treaty of Wrassaw
    3. Treaty of Traianon
    4. Treaty of Sevres

  • Frederick Hegel was__________?
    1. Historian
    2. Philosopher
    3. King
    4. Artist

  • How many Countries are in there in the World having Glaciers?
    1. 45
    2. 51
    3. 50
    4. 60

  • Uncle Urfi Drama aired in 1972 was scripted by_____________?
    1. Noon Meem Rashid
    2. Anwar Maqsood
    3. Haseena Moeen
    4. Kamal Ahmed Rizavi

  • Carthage is a city of___________?
    1. South Africa
    2. Malta
    3. Italy
    4. Tunisia
    5. Today it retains a scattered collection of ancient baths, theaters, villas and other ruins, many with sweeping views of the Gulf of Tunis.

  • Who was Cleopatra?
    1. A philosopher
    2. A Historian
    3. Ruler of Egypt
    4. Ruler of Rome

  • Which sea is referred to as an oceanic desert?
    1. Red sea
    2. Sargasso sea
    3. Arabian sea
    4. Sea of Japan

  • Where is the headquarters of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) located?
    1. Geneva
    2. Paris
    3. New York
    4. Washington D.C

  • Jeju Island, a UNESCO world heritage site located in___________?
    1. Japan
    2. France
    3. South Korea
    4. South Africa

  • Gulf of Sidra is located in_________?
    1. France
    2. USA
    3. Germany
    4. Libya

  • Which of the following are Baltic countries or Baltic States?
    1. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
    2. Crotia, Belarus and Mangolia
    3. Algeria, Argentina and balgeria
    4. None of these

  • ";Lost Islamic History"; written by_________?
    1. Firas AL khateeb
    2. Sir Syad Ahmad
    3. Allama Iqbal
    4. None of these

  • The International Council of Nurses established in 1899 has its headquarters in_________?
    1. Berlin
    2. Vienna
    3. Florence
    4. Geneva

  • Vientiane is the capital and largest city of ___________?
    1. Cambodia
    2. Vietnam
    3. Laos
    4. Myanmar

  • Ground of which sport has the shape of Diamond?
    1. Baseball
    2. cricket
    3. wrestling
    4. basketball

  • The world';s fastest manned aircraft is__________?
    1. SR-71 Blackbird
    2. A-12 lockheed
    3. F-106 Delta Dart
    4. North American X-15

  • Who was the father of Sultan Osman I -; the founder of the Ottoman Empire?
    1. Suleman Shah
    2. Ertugral Ghazi
    3. Guldaro Ghazi
    4. None of these