• The capital of Argentina is____________?
    1. Canberra
    2. Yervan
    3. Luanda
    4. Bunes Aires

  • The capital of Ecuador is___________?
    1. Dili
    2. Quito
    3. San jose
    4. Cairo

  • The capital of Ethiopia is____________?
    1. Libreville
    2. La Paz
    3. Malabo
    4. Addis Ababa

  • The Capital of Colombia is__________?
    1. Beijing
    2. Bogota
    3. Moroni
    4. San jose

  • The capital of Cambodia is___________ ?
    1. Bujumbura
    2. Phnom penh
    3. La paz
    4. Port-Novo

  • The Capital of Ghana is_________?
    1. Berlin
    2. Accra
    3. Suva
    4. Malabo

  • National poet of Pakistan is__________?
    1. Hafeez jalandhri
    2. Allama Iqbal
    3. Josh malih Abadi
    4. None of these

  • Iran lies to the _______ of Pakistan ?
    1. South east
    2. South West
    3. South north
    4. East west

  • China lies to the ________ of Pakistan ?
    1. East
    2. West
    3. North
    4. South

  • India is located in the _______ side of the Pakistan ?
    1. North
    2. West
    3. East
    4. South

  • Luxor is the city of___________?
    1. Luxembourg
    2. Israel
    3. Egypt
    4. Finland
    5. Today';s city surrounds 2 huge, surviving ancient monuments: graceful Luxor Temple and Karnak Temple, a mile north. The royal tombs of the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens are on the river’s west bank.

  • King of which country abdicated in favor of his son?
    1. Nepal
    2. Spain
    3. Japan
    4. None of these

  • Windhoek is the capital of__________?
    1. Namibia
    2. Niger
    3. Chad
    4. Ghana

  • Which of the following city served as capital of Kazakhstan till 1997?
    1. Astana
    2. Almaty
    3. Baku
    4. Tashkent

  • Bermuda Triangle is located in__________?
    1. North Atlantic Ocean
    2. South Atlantic Ocean
    3. Pacific Ocean
    4. Arabian Sea

  • Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement started on ___________?

  • Which among the following is known as Asia a version of ";Noble prize";?
    1. Ramon Magsaysay Award
    2. Booker Prize
    3. Pulitzer Prize
    4. None of them

  • Every year,the world Elder abuse awareness Day is celebrated on____________?
    1. March 23
    2. June 15
    3. December 10
    4. April 8

  • World day against child labour is observed on___________?
    1. 11 June
    2. 13 June
    3. 12 June
    4. 8 June

  • The currency of portugal is__________?
    1. Zolty
    2. Peso
    3. Euro

  • The headquarter of EFTA is in_____________?
    1. London
    2. Geneva
    3. Rome
    4. Paris

  • The first Asian Secertary-General of united Nation was____________?
    1. Trygive Lie
    2. Vijy Laxmi Pandit
    3. U Thant
    4. Kurt Waldheim

  • The Headquarter of UNESCO is in___________?
    1. Paris
    2. Rome
    3. Geneva
    4. New York

  • The headquarter of International Labour Orginaztion (ILO) is in__________?
    1. Geneva
    2. New York
    3. Paris
    4. The Hague

  • The Headquarter of UNHCR is located at___________?
    1. New York
    2. Rome
    3. Geneva
    4. London