• What is the total period of Ottoman Empire?
    1. 1400-1719
    2. 1200-1917
    3. 1299-1922
    4. 1295-1914

  • Which country is famous for sprinters ?
    1. England
    2. Spain
    3. United states
    4. Jamaica

  • "; Asia Watch "; is a____________?
    1. A big time clock in japan parliament
    2. News Agency of Taiwan
    3. Human rights Organization
    4. None of these

  • Abdul Qasim Alzahrwi was great Muslim ___________?
    1. Philospher
    2. Poet
    3. Warrior
    4. Surgon

  • Which of the following term is used in game of Cricket?
    1. Bar down
    2. LBW
    3. Tee
    4. Scoop

  • Boundary line between Canada and United States is_________?
    1. 17th Parallel Line
    2. 38th Parallel Line
    3. 47th Parallel Line
    4. 49th Parallel Line

  • Nippon is the old name of_________?
    1. China
    2. Japan
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Angola

  • The 2nd summit of OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) held in Pakistan in year________?
    1. 1972
    2. 1973
    3. 1974
    4. 1975

  • What is the number of states in India?
    1. 27
    2. 28
    3. 29
    4. 30

  • The Union Flag, or Union Jack, is the national flag of____________?
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. United Nations
    4. European Union

  • SHABAK is the Intelligence agency of which country?
    1. Iran
    2. Afghanistan
    3. Israel
    4. Syria

  • NSO is the secret agency of which country?
    1. Niger
    2. Nigeria
    3. Algeria
    4. Bulgharia

  • SUPO is the secret agency of which country?
    1. Ireland
    2. Finland
    3. New Zealand
    4. Sawaziland

  • When Muhammad El Bradi of Egypt got Noble Peace Prize?
    1. 2003
    2. 2005
    3. 2007
    4. 2009

  • Who was the first Governor General of Bengal?
    1. Warren Hastings
    2. Robert Clive
    3. William Bentinck
    4. Lord Cornwallis

  • What is the meaning of ";Capital Punishment";?
    1. Punishment that is very light
    2. The death sentence or penalty
    3. Punishment that involves paying a fine
    4. Public punishment

  • First Oscar Award was given in__________?
    1. 1930
    2. 1929
    3. 1931
    4. 1928

  • Lenin Prize was started in ___________?
    1. 1924
    2. 1930
    3. 1925
    4. 1926

  • Jahangir Nagar is the old name of __________?
    1. Delhi
    2. Dhaka
    3. Kolkata
    4. None of Above

  • The ";Mount Ararat"; is the highest mountain in_________?
    1. China
    2. Turkey
    3. Japan
    4. Canada

  • When is the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture observed?
    1. June 23
    2. June 25
    3. June 26
    4. June 24

  • An ordinary mobile phone communicate by using___________?
    1. Sound waves
    2. Infrared waves
    3. UV waves
    4. Radio waves

  • What is the width of side Gallery of badminton court ?
    1. 42 cm
    2. 48 cm
    3. 46 cm
    4. 40 cm

  • What is the length of badminton court for single competition ?
    1. 13.40 meter
    2. 14.63 meter
    3. 13.80 meter

  • Ryder cup is the biggest tournament of which of the following sports ?
    1. Polo
    2. Badminton
    3. Table Tennis
    4. Golf