• Which country is called Buffer state of Asia?
    1. Pakistan
    2. Afghanistan
    3. Bhutan
    4. Mayanmar

  • Archery is national game of which country?
    1. Nepal
    2. Bhutan
    3. Mayanmar
    4. Veitnam

  • Where Port Palermo is located?
    1. Tyrrhenian Sea
    2. Red Sea
    3. Adriatic Sea
    4. Mediterranean Sea

  • Which Muslim Country has Hindu God on its Currency?
    1. Indonesia
    2. Morocco
    3. Turkey
    4. Brunei

  • In which year Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom was born?
    1. 1920
    2. 1922
    3. 1925
    4. 1926

  • Churna island is best known for which activity?
    1. Surfing
    2. Fly Boarding
    3. Snorkeling
    4. Wake Boarding

  • The Capital of Zambia is __________ ?
    1. Harare
    2. Apia
    3. Hanoi

  • The Capital of Samoa is __________ ?
    1. Mayotte
    2. Apia

  • The Capital of Kosovo is __________ ?
    1. Port Vila
    2. Sana';a
    3. Apia

  • The Capital of Zimbabwe is __________ ?
    1. Pretoria
    2. Sanna
    3. Harare

  • Which is the national flower of Turkey ?
    1. Tulip
    2. Lily

  • Who has won the most Academy awards?
    1. James cameron
    2. Katherine Hapburn
    3. Walt Disney
    4. None of these

  • Taj Mahal features a perfect blend of Islamic indian & _________architecture style?
    1. Persian
    2. Italian
    3. French
    4. British

  • Paris is known as the city of__________?
    1. Light
    2. Love
    3. Bridges
    4. Fragrance

  • What is the shape of the shangrila lake in pakistan?
    1. Circle
    2. Heart
    3. Triangle
    4. Tear drop

  • Which is the national flower of Tunisia ?
    1. Tulip
    2. Red Rose

  • Port of Rashid is the seaport of ___________ ?
    1. Iraq
    2. Iran
    3. UAE
    4. Indonesia

  • Port of Khalid is the Seaport of ___________ ?
    1. Turkey
    2. Iran
    3. Indonesia
    4. UAE

  • Which is the national flower of Thailand ?
    1. Rose
    2. Lily
    3. Ratchaphruek

  • Which is the largest Exporter of Rice?
    1. Pakistan
    2. China
    3. India
    4. Bangladesh

  • A 112-year-old Japanese living man has been crowned the world’s oldest male, whose name is__________?
    1. Masazo Nonaka
    2. Chitetsu Watanabe
    3. Kane Tanaka
    4. None of these

  • How many type of italian pasta are there?
    1. 200
    2. 350
    3. 400
    4. 550

  • The first cooking school was founded in which country?
    1. Canada
    2. America
    3. England
    4. Germany

  • Which of the following Leonardo famous work?
    1. Olympia
    2. Guernica
    3. Mona Lisa
    4. The scream

  • Richard Branson is the founder of the__________group?
    1. Motorolla
    2. Nokia
    3. Samsung
    4. Virgin