• The Russian Revolution Took Place In The Year________?
    1. 1917
    2. 1914
    3. 1912
    4. 1910

  • Which country in the world has large population of Vegetarians?
    1. Bangladesh
    2. India
    3. Sri Lanka
    4. Indonesia

  • Where is is headquarter of American intelligence agency CIA?
    1. California
    2. Washington DC
    3. Virginia
    4. Chicago

  • How many bones are in human Eyes?
    1. Three
    2. Four
    3. Five
    4. Seven

  • Highest National Award of bravery in the Police Service of Pakistan is__________?
    1. Allama Iqbal Police Medal
    2. Imtyaz PoliceĀ  Medal
    3. HaiderĀ  Police Medal
    4. Quaid-i-Azam Police Medal

  • Which country is third largest contributor to UN after USA and China?
    1. China
    2. Japan
    3. Russia
    4. Germany

  • Zakat system was introduced in Pakistan in________?
    1. 1990
    2. 1967
    3. 1980
    4. 1998

  • What was the old name of Quetta ?
    1. Karatshi
    2. Shalamar
    3. Shalkot
    4. Quetta

  • Capital of Belgium is_________?
    1. Brussels
    2. La pez
    3. Paris
    4. Ottawa

  • Capital of Bulgaria is__________?
    1. Sofia
    2. Norway
    3. Ottawa
    4. Yaonde

  • Capital of Bangladesh is_________?
    1. Minsk
    2. Manama
    3. Dhaka
    4. Karachi

  • Capital of Pakistan is_________?
    1. Lahore
    2. Islamabad
    3. Kabul
    4. Karachi

  • Capital of Algeria is__________?
    1. Vienna
    2. Algiers
    3. Annaba
    4. Oran

  • The Capital of Albania is__________?
    1. Luanda
    2. Tirana
    3. Vienna
    4. Baku

  • Som is the currency of what country ?
    1. Indonesia
    2. Malaysia
    3. Uzbekistan
    4. Azerbaijan

  • Bakhtar is the news agency of what country ?
    1. Iran
    2. Iraq
    3. Uzbekistan
    4. Afghanistan

  • Atom was a name given by ____________ ?
    1. Democritus
    2. Bohr
    3. Rutherford
    4. Archimedes

  • About how many taste buds does the average human tongue have?
    1. 5000
    2. 10000
    3. 12000
    4. 3000

  • The first mobile phone was created In___________?
    1. 1970
    2. 1973
    3. 1980
    4. 1983

  • Google is an_________multinational technology company?
    1. American
    2. Indian
    3. Italian
    4. German

  • Google was founded by how many people?
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four
    5. students at Stanford University in California.

  • Electric motor was invented by __________ ?
    1. Michael Faraday
    2. Oliver Evans
    3. Thomas Edison
    4. Horace Day

  • Who was ';Father Of Chemical Warfare'; _________?
    1. Fritz Haber
    2. William Ramsay
    3. Louis Pasteur

  • Shakespeare is known mostly for his _________ ?
    1. Poetry
    2. An autobiography
    3. A diary
    4. Plays

  • Which is the national flower of Sri Lanka ?
    1. Water Lily
    2. Rose
    3. Golden Rose