• When did the Soviet Union official break up ?
    1. 26 September 1991
    2. 26 December 1991
    3. 26 September 1992
    4. 26 December 1992

  • The World Mental Day is observed every years on_________?
    1. 10 October
    2. 11 October
    3. 13 October
    4. 14 October

  • Which is the national game of Romania?
    1. Bandy
    2. Football
    3. Oina
    4. Destrezas Criollas

  • The world’s largest bird is_________?
    1. Kori Bustard
    2. Common Ostrich
    3. King Penguin
    4. Southern Cassowary

  • Which is the oldest search engine of the internet?
    1. WebCrawler
    2. Ask
    3. Yahoo
    4. Google

  • Which country has the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites?
    1. China
    2. France
    3. Italy
    4. Spain

  • Which City name of Pakistan means,";The Forest in the Sky";??
    1. Hunza
    2. Chilas
    3. Shugran
    4. Gilgit

  • What do the Initials IFAD stand?
    1. International Fund for Airplane Development.
    2. Indian Food Approval Department
    3. International Food Approval Department
    4. International Fund for Agricultural Development

  • We live on the planet Earth. According to the scientists, the Earth was formed about _____ years ago.
    1. 4.6 million
    2. 5.6 million
    3. 4.5 billion
    4. 5.6 billion

  • Name the author of ';Kapas ka Phool';?
    1. Mulavi Abdul Haq
    2. Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi
    3. Abdullah Hussain
    4. Hosh Maleeh Abadi

  • The deepest hole in the Earth, ‘Kola Superdeep Borehole’ on Russia’s Kola Peninsula, is about _____ feet deep.
    1. 10,000
    2. 20,000
    3. 30,000
    4. 40,000

  • Guarani is the currency of which country?
    1. Berma
    2. Peru
    3. Paraguay
    4. Belgium

  • Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year in which religion?
    1. Buddhism
    2. Judaism
    3. Christianity
    4. Zoroastrianism

  • Halle city located in which country?
    1. France
    2. Poland
    3. Italy
    4. Germany

  • Who wrote ";The History of the Decline and fall of the Roman Empire?
    1. Leo Tolstoy
    2. Jorge Hudson
    3. William Engels
    4. Edward Gibbon

  • The Largest Tree in the World is in___________?
    1. Brazil
    2. California
    3. Africa
    4. Pakistan

  • WTO hosts the first-ever World Cotton Day (WCD) on 07 October 2019 in ___________?
    1. Islamabad
    2. Cairo
    3. Geneva
    4. Vienna

  • Nobel prize 2019 in physics has been awarded in which field?
    1. laser
    2. Cosmology
    3. Neutrino Oscilliations
    4. None of These

  • What is the theme of the 2019 edition of the World Tourism Day ( WTD)?
    1. ";Tourism and the Digital Transformation";
    2. ";Tourism and Jobs — A Better Future For All";
    3. ";sustainable tourism";
    4. All of these

  • Who was the winner of Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988)?
    1. Iran
    2. Iraq
    3. Libya
    4. None of these

  • Political Philosopher Edmund Burke belonged to___________?
    1. Usa
    2. Russia
    3. Britain
    4. France

  • Edward Genner discovered ';vaccine'; in___________?
    1. 1796
    2. 1978
    3. 1686
    4. 1933

  • The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 was awarded for the development of ____________ batteries?
    1. Nickel Cadmium batteries
    2. Lead-Acid batteries
    3. lithium-ion batteries
    4. None of these

  • Who got Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019?
    1. John B. Goodenough
    2. M. Stanley Wittingham
    3. Akiroa yoshino
    4. All of them

  • Which language is spoken by most people in the world as their primary language?
    1. English
    2. French
    3. Arabic
    4. Mandarin