• Statue of liberty was gifted to America by _________ on __________?
    1. Russia -; 1 January 1886
    2. Egypt -; 21 June 1886
    3. Japan -; 11 September 1886
    4. France -; 28 October 1886

  • Manghopir named after ____________.?
    1. Sufi Pir Haji Syed Mohammad Sultan
    2. Sufi Pir Haji Syed Ahmed Sultan
    3. Sufi Pir Haji Syed Qutub Sultan
    4. Sufi Pir Haji Syed Sakhi Sultan

  • Which English ambassador came to India during the time of Jahangir?
    1. Sir Thomas White
    2. Sir Thomas Lu
    3. Sir Thomas Jefferson
    4. Sir Thomas Roe

  • The Sakhalin Island is disputed between ___________.?
    1. China and Japan
    2. China and Taiwan
    3. Japan and Korea
    4. Japan and Russia

  • Which country in South Asia has the highest literacy rate?
    1. Pakistan
    2. India
    3. Maldives
    4. Nepal

  • First Blind Cricket World Cup won by__________?
    1. India
    2. Pakistan
    3. Sri Lanka
    4. England

  • In which city of India Nuclear Accident was Happened?
    1. Tamil Nadu
    2. Tarapur
    3. Delhi
    4. Mumbai

  • Adidas Abiba is a city of___________?
    1. Sudan
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Morocco
    4. Nigeria

  • The tenure of Judge of International Court of Justice is:
    1. 5 Years
    2. 6 Years
    3. 9 Years
    4. 10 Years

  • Falklands War was fought between UK and____________?
    1. USA
    2. Argentina
    3. Russia
    4. France

  • Who is the National Artist of Pakistan?
    1. Sadequain Naqqash
    2. Abdul Rehman Chughtai
    3. Abdul Rahim Nagori
    4. Lubna Agha

  • World Toilet Day is celebrated on_________?
    1. 10 November
    2. 14 November
    3. 19 November
    4. 23 November

  • Babri Masjid incident was occurred on __________?
    1. 6 December 1987
    2. 6 December 1990
    3. 6 December 1992
    4. None of these

  • The first conqueror of the world';s second highest mountain K2 was____________?
    1. French
    2. Pakistani
    3. American
    4. Italian ✓

  • China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) starts at__________?
    1. Beijing
    2. Shanghai
    3. Kashgar ✓
    4. Xinjiang

  • Jare Ijalana, a girl from _________ is dubbed as the ";Most beautiful girl in the world";?
    1. Kenya
    2. Nigeria
    3. Ethiopia
    4. None of these

  • The Kurdistan region spans over _____ countries?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5

  • The two official languages of NATO are_______________?
    1. English and French
    2. English and German
    3. English and Spanish
    4. English, French and German

  • The headquarter of Human Rights Watch (HRW) is located in_____________?
    1. Washington
    2. New York
    3. Berlin
    4. Brussels

  • Which among the following country first reached the ';Dark Side'; of the Moon?
    1. Russia
    2. USA
    3. Germany
    4. China

  • The World’s first underground railway system was built in___________?
    1. New York
    2. Berlin
    3. Moscow
    4. London

  • Grand Old Party is also known as _________?
    1. The Republican Party
    2. Liberal Part
    3. Labour Party
    4. Democratic Party

  • What country did Benito Mussolini rule?
    1. Germany
    2. Russia
    3. Italy
    4. America

  • When UN day is Celebrated every Year?
    1. 21 October
    2. 22 October
    3. 23 October
    4. 24 October

  • How many Judges are in the International Court of Justice (ICJ)?
    1. 5
    2. 10
    3. 15
    4. 20