• Which of the following countries hosted the first South Asian Games in 1983?
    1. Pakistan
    2. Nepal
    3. Bangladesh
    4. Srilanka

  • Who wrote the book ";An inquiry into the Nature";?
    1. Charles Darwin
    2. Adam Smith
    3. Alexander Fleming
    4. Albert Einstein

  • Where is the Headquarter of International Tennis Federation?
    1. Madrid
    2. London
    3. Paris
    4. New York

  • The basic number of alphabets in Urdu Language are:
    1. 36
    2. 37
    3. 38
    4. 39

  • Which American Ambassador died along with President Zia-ul-Haq in plane crash 1988 ?
    1. Tom Simon
    2. Robert Milam
    3. Arnold Palmer
    4. Arnold Raphael

  • The largest river of Balochistan ?
    1. Porali river
    2. Dasht river
    3. Hungol river
    4. Hub river

  • The Study of human beauty is called____________?
    1. Oncology
    2. Agrostology
    3. Kalology
    4. Argology

  • Which plant is important in sericulture?
    1. Pea
    2. Cassia
    3. Mulberry
    4. Legumes

  • Yemen shares border with Saudi Arabia and_______?
    1. Oman
    2. Iran
    3. Iraq
    4. None of these

  • First Tuesday of May is observed as___________?
    1. World Asthma Day
    2. Global Family Day
    3. World Kidney Day
    4. World Immunization Day

  • The Mansabdari system introduced by Akbar was borrowed from the system followed in________?
    1. Persia
    2. Mongolia
    3. Turkey
    4. Afghanistan

  • 13 -; Chambered heart occurs in________?
    1. Leech
    2. Earthworm
    3. Snail
    4. Cockroach

  • Name the continent where ';Tundra'; type of climate is not found?
    1. Europe
    2. Asia
    3. Africa
    4. North America

  • What is the name of the tropical cyclones in the China Sea?
    1. Hurricanes
    2. Tornado
    3. Typhoon
    4. Twister

  • ';The Economy of Modern Sindh'; book is written by___________?
    1. Dr Hamida Khuhro
    2. Ayaz Latif Palejo
    3. Dr Ishrat Hussain
    4. None of above

  • ';The Heros of Sindh'; & ';Struggle for New Sindh'; are written by_________?
    1. Dr Hamida Khuhro
    2. GM Syed
    3. Rasool Bux Paleejo
    4. None of above

  • ';A Nation in chains'; book is written by___________?
    1. Ayaz Latif Palejo
    2. Hameeda Khuhro
    3. Shaikh Ayaz
    4. GM Syed

  • The term ";Maoris"; is used for aboriginal people of_________?
    1. New Zealand
    2. Tasmania
    3. Honduras
    4. Indian

  • Which are called the Bretton Woods sisters?
    1. FAO & IMF
    2. IMF & IBRD
    3. WB & IMF
    4. ILO & FAO

  • NATO also known as_________?
    1. Defense Treaty
    2. Washington Treaty
    3. Geneva Treaty
    4. Warsaw Traety
    5. on 4 April 1949.

  • Basmati is a type of _________?
    1. Wheat
    2. Rice
    3. Barley
    4. None of the Above

  • In which year was the football World Cup held for the first time?
    1. 1928
    2. 1930
    3. 1924
    4. 1932

  • Which country won the first football World Cup?
    1. Brazil
    2. Germany
    3. Uruguay
    4. Argentina

  • Which one of the following types of glass can cut ultraviolet?
    1. Jena glass
    2. Soda glass
    3. Pyrex glass
    4. Crookes glass

  • GRU military intelligence agency belong to which country?
    1. Germany
    2. Brazil
    3. Russia
    4. Mongolia