• The Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was captured near his home town of Tikrit, during Operation Red Dawn by US forces on ________ ?
    1. 13 December 2003
    2. 14 December 2004
    3. 15 November 2005
    4. None of these

  • Pakistan Standard time is _______ hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time?
    1. 3 hours
    2. 5 hours
    3. 7 hours
    4. 2 hours

  • The last town on the Karakorum Highway in Pakistan before the Chinese border is:_________?
    1. Sost
    2. Astore
    3. Bunji
    4. None of these

  • ";Divine Comedy"; was written by:__________?
    1. Gibbon
    2. Milton
    3. Dante Alighieri
    4. Geothe

  • The collective name for the group of owls is_________?
    1. Brush
    2. A watch
    3. Cockerel
    4. Parliament

  • Indian National Anthem is written in which language___________?
    1. Persian
    2. Hindi
    3. Bengali
    4. Urdu

  • Who is the head of the state of Pakistan ?
    1. Prime Minister
    2. President
    3. Attorney General
    4. Both A & B

  • Burj Khalifa is located in __________?
    1. Abu Dhabi
    2. Sharjah
    3. Aman
    4. Dubai

  • Who is the founder of UAE ?
    1. Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid
    2. Abdulla Al Ghurair
    3. None of these

  • What is Mesopotamia known as today?
    1. Saudi Arabia
    2. Iraq
    3. Indonesia
    4. Malaysia

  • Taklamakan Desert is located in_________?
    1. Mongolia
    2. Chilli
    3. Kazakhstan
    4. China

  • India Wins Freedom book is written by__________?
    1. Moulana Abul Kalam Azad
    2. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
    3. Moulana Muhammad Ali johar
    4. Syed Ameer Ali

  • Harry Potter is the famous character of__________?
    1. J.K Rolling
    2. J.F Marshal
    3. R.V Menin
    4. None of above

  • The first Mughul emperor Babar';s tomb is situated in_________?
    1. Agra
    2. Delhi
    3. Lahore
    4. Kabul

  • What is Holocaust ?
    1. Killing of Jews during World War I
    2. Killing of Jews during World War II
    3. Killing of Germans during World War II
    4. Killing of Japanese during World War II in Atom bomb';s

  • Which of the following invention is oldest ?
    1. Clock
    2. Microscope
    3. Barometer
    4. Cycle

  • Digital Device term is related with_________?
    1. Economics
    2. Sports
    3. Journalism
    4. Socio economic difference technology era

  • Haifa is the Seaport of_________?
    1. Israel
    2. Lebanon
    3. Egypt
    4. Canada

  • How many Urdu Words are used in the National Anthem of Pakistan?
    1. 5
    2. 3
    3. 1
    4. 2

  • Which among the following islands has become the world’s newest nation ?
    1. Aitutaki
    2. Bougainville
    3. Raiatea
    4. Vanua Levu

  • Parcel Islands in the South China Sea are disputed b/w China & _________ ?
    1. Philippines
    2. Japan
    3. Vietnam
    4. South Korea

  • Marco Polo was a famous:__________?
    1. Writer
    2. Scientist
    3. Traveller
    4. Sportsman

  • The book Gabriel';s wing is written by__________?
    1. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
    2. William Shakespeare
    3. Keats
    4. Allama Iqbal

  • Where is the Flattest Place on Earth ?
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. South-Africa
    3. Nigeria
    4. Bolivia

  • How many Countries are called Scandinavian Countries?
    1. 3
    2. 6
    3. 7
    4. 8