• How long can a ";beaver"; hold its breath?
    1. 15 min
    2. 25 min
    3. 35 min
    4. 55 min

  • Asian Development bank (ADB) was founded in _________?
    1. 1964
    2. 1966
    3. 1968
    4. 1970

  • Headquarter of Amnesty International is in London. it is founded by __________ ?
    1. Peter Benson
    2. Peter Edbon
    3. Peter Jhonas
    4. Peter Parkar

  • Who is Emmanuel Macron?
    1. German chancellor
    2. Canadian President
    3. French President
    4. President of Iran

  • What animal has longest gestation period of about 640 to 660 days or 95 weeks of any land animal ?
    1. Blue Whale
    2. Elephant
    3. Opossum
    4. None of these

  • What animal has the shortest gestation period known is 12 to 13 days?
    1. Opossum
    2. Cat
    3. Elephant
    4. Mouse

  • East London is a city of_________?
    1. England
    2. Australia
    3. South Africa
    4. Asia

  • Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) was incorporated as a private limited Company was converted into a public limited company in January ______?
    1. 1964
    2. 1965
    3. 1967
    4. 1999

  • Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) was incorporated as a Private limited Company in_______?
    1. 1963
    2. 1965
    3. 1967
    4. 1969

  • ";New Orleans"; is the seaport of _________ ?
    1. USA
    2. Nepal
    3. Iran
    4. Libya

  • Which among the following have a ';mixed heart'; __________ ?
    1. Birds
    2. Fishs
    3. None of these

  • Which animal has the highest blood pressure?
    1. Giraffe
    2. Camel
    3. Lion
    4. None of these

  • The continent of __________ is called dark Continent.
    1. Asia
    2. Australia
    3. Africa
    4. Europe

  • What is the maximum running land speed of Crocodile ?
    1. 17 KMPL
    2. 20 LMPL
    3. 25 LMPL
    4. None of these

  • How much water can be used by a camel in drinking in a single time ?
    1. Up to 70 ltr.
    2. Up to 80 ltr.
    3. Up to 100 ltr.
    4. Up to 150 ltr.

  • Name the bird that migrates from the North Pole to the South Pole and back?
    1. Pigeon
    2. Arctic tern

  • Pashmina shawl is made from the hair of ________ ?
    1. Cow
    2. Camel
    3. Goat
    4. Sheep

  • ";Oxford"; is also called _______ ?
    1. City of Palaces
    2. City of Empires
    3. City of Dreaming Spire
    4. City of Gardens

  • Christopher Columbus who discovered America was__________?
    1. Spanish
    2. Dutch
    3. Italian
    4. French

  • Boshphours strait connects the Black Sea with ?
    1. Aegean Sea
    2. Red Sea
    3. Rose Sea
    4. Marmara Sea

  • Napoleon was died at_______?
    1. WaterLoo
    2. St. Helena
    3. Paris
    4. Cologne

  • Which of the following is the world’s loudest bird ?
    1. White bellbird
    2. Peacock
    3. Piha
    4. None of the above

  • Kagali is capital of_________?
    1. Chad
    2. Guyana
    3. Rwanda
    4. Spain

  • The World';s oldest space station is_________?
    1. Kennedy
    2. Baikonur
    3. Moscow
    4. NASA

  • The river ";The Yangtze King "; in China is known as _______ ?
    1. Blue River
    2. Red River
    3. Yellow River
    4. Black River