• Which is the national flower of Dominica?
    1. Izote
    2. Mahogany
    3. Marguerite Daisy
    4. Carib wood

  • "; ANSA "; is the news agency of _________ ?
    1. Algeria
    2. Afghanistan
    3. Italy
    4. Russia

  • BERNAMA is the news agency of __________ ?
    1. Indonesia
    2. South Africa
    3. Malaysia
    4. USA

  • During rainy season Wooden doors are difficult to open or closure because of ________ ?
    1. Plasmolysis
    2. Imbibition
    3. Osmosis
    4. Diffusion

  • When did Bahadur Shah Zafar die ________ ?
    1. 5 October 1860
    2. 6 September 1861
    3. 7 November 1862
    4. 8 December 1863

  • On 13 February 1739, Nadir Shah crushed the Mughal army in less than three hours at the huge ______ ?
    1. Battle of Karnal
    2. Battle of Chausa
    3. Battle of Tarain
    4. Battle of Plassey

  • Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the founder of the Sikh Empire. He was born in _______ ?
    1. 1780
    2. 1875
    3. 1880
    4. 1885

  • Which is the national flower of Egypt?
    1. Egyptian Lotus
    2. Calla Lily
    3. Marsh Marigold
    4. Egyptian Lily of the valley

  • Which is the national flower of Ethiopia?
    1. Calla Lily
    2. Cornflower
    3. Marsh Marigold
    4. Tudor Rose

  • The Great Bear Lake is located in _______ ?
    1. South Africa
    2. USA
    3. Canada
    4. Russia

  • ";PTI";is the news agency of________?
    1. China
    2. Russia
    3. India
    4. Syria

  • The "; Al-Aqaba "; is the seaport of _______ ?
    1. Thailand
    2. Jordan
    3. Egypt
    4. UAE

  • ";JANA"; is the news agency of_________?
    1. Japan
    2. Russia
    3. China
    4. Libya

  • What type of creature is a Fulmar?
    1. A Reptile
    2. A Bird
    3. A Cat
    4. A Dog

  • The painted Desert lies in which US state?
    1. Florida
    2. Hawaii
    3. Arizona
    4. New York

  • Who was the second wife of king Henry VIII of England?
    1. Queen Elizabeth
    2. Anne Boleyn
    3. Lady Diana
    4. None of these

  • In which year did the Titanic sank on its maiden voyage?
    1. 1911
    2. 1912
    3. 1913
    4. 1914

  • Who was founder of Bahmani dynasty _______?
    1. Aladdin Hassan Bahman Shah
    2. Aladdin Mujahid Shah
    3. Da';ud Shah
    4. Muhammed Shah I

  • Aladdin Hassan Bahman Shah became the king of Bahman (City of Iran) in _______?
    1. 1347
    2. 1348
    3. 1357
    4. 1366

  • Empire state building is in__________?
    1. San Fransico
    2. New York
    3. Callifornia
    4. Rome

  • The currency of Croatia is_________?
    1. Dollar
    2. Kuna
    3. Peso
    4. Rial

  • Interfax is the news agency of________?
    1. Russia
    2. Pakistan
    3. Australia
    4. None of these

  • What was the first country to leave the United Nations?
    1. Iran
    2. Iraq
    3. Indonesia
    4. Greece

  • Name of the Iceland parliament is__________?
    1. Alpingi (Assembley of all)
    2. Congress
    3. Shora
    4. Folketing

  • Name of the Germany parliament is__________?
    1. Diet
    2. Bundestag
    3. Congress
    4. None of these