• Adolf Hitler committed suicide by gunshot on _______ ?
    1. 27 April 1945
    2. 28 April 1945
    3. 29 April 1945
    4. 30 April 1945

  • Suva is the capital of_________?
    1. Peru
    2. Italy
    3. Fiji
    4. Palau

  • "; Great Salt "; lake is located in _______ ?
    1. Australia
    2. U.S.A
    3. U.K
    4. Canada

  • "; Great Slave "; lake is located in _______ ?
    1. Finland
    2. Malaysia
    3. Indonesia
    4. Canada

  • Which is the Largest seaport of Guinea?
    1. Port Kamsar
    2. Port Conakry
    3. Port-au-Prince
    4. Port Jacmel

  • "; Port Kamsar "; is the seaport of ________ ?
    1. Canada
    2. Belgium
    3. Greece
    4. Guinea

  • "; Cross to the Heroic Valour in Combat "; is the highest military award of _______ ?
    1. Argentina
    2. Russia
    3. Brazil
    4. Denmark

  • Which of the following river crosses the equator twice?
    1. Congo river
    2. Nile river
    3. Amazon river
    4. Mississippi river

  • The Araguaia River is one of the major rivers of Brazil. It has a total length of approximately ________ ?
    1. 2,627 km
    2. 3,500 km
    3. 4,400 km
    4. 5,310 km

  • The medical branch of science that deals with the study of skin, its functions, diseases, and treatment is ________ ?
    1. Dermatology
    2. Dormatology
    3. Deontology
    4. Dermatoglyphics

  • The scientific study of fingerprints is called _________ ?
    1. Dactylography
    2. Dactylology
    3. Dactyliology
    4. Dialectology

  • "; Military Merit Decoration "; is the highest military award of ________ ?
    1. Australia
    2. Austria
    3. Germany
    4. Greece

  • Which is the national flower of Japan _______ ?
    1. Red Rose
    2. Chrysanthemum
    3. Black Iris
    4. Lily

  • The philosophical study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge is called ________ ?
    1. Epistemology
    2. Grammatology
    3. Hamartiology
    4. Emmenology

  • Which is the national flower of Iran ________ ?
    1. Red Rose
    2. Lily
    3. Mountain Avens
    4. Jasmine

  • Which is the national flower of Iraq ________ ?
    1. Red Rose
    2. Lily
    3. Mountain Avens
    4. Jasmine

  • ";Itaipu Dam "; is the second largest Hydro-electric dam in the world after the Three Gorges Dam. It is located in _________ ?
    1. China
    2. Canada
    3. USA
    4. Brazil

  • The "; Xiluodu Dam "; is located in _______ ?
    1. Hong Kong
    2. South Korea
    3. Russia
    4. China

  • The term Back4good (B4G) is used for____________?
    1. visa processing
    2. International trade permit
    3. Amnesty Scheme to facilitate voluntary repatriation to countries of origin
    4. Term used in metrogical process

  • The ";Mount Olympus"; is located in ________ ?
    1. Nepal
    2. Egypt
    3. Greece
    4. Germany

  • ";Vancouver"; is the largest seaport of _________ ?
    1. U.K
    2. Italy
    3. Japan
    4. Canada

  • "; The World Until Yesterday"; book is written by _______ ?
    1. Susan Wise Bauer
    2. James McPherson
    3. Barbara Tuchman.
    4. Jared Mason Diamond

  • ";Guns, Germs, and Steel book"; is written by ________ ?
    1. Jared Mason Diamond

  • The scientific study of dogs is called _______ ?
    1. Cynology
    2. Cytology
    3. Ctetology
    4. Dendrology

  • Which is the national flower of Indonesia?
    1. Melati Putih
    2. Shamrock
    3. Rose
    4. Lotus