• How old was Malala when she was shot?
    1. 10 Years
    2. 12 Years
    3. 15 Years
    4. None of these

  • When was Malala Yousafzai born?
    1. June 24, 1995
    2. January 11, 1996
    3. July 12, 1997
    4. None of these

  • When United Kingdom joind EU which previously called EEC?
    1. 1967
    2. 1973
    3. 1981
    4. 1993

  • ";Keemya-e-Saadat"; is authored by __________?
    1. Imam Ghazali
    2. Imam Muslim
    3. Sir Syeed Ahmad khan
    4. None Of These

  • Port of Reykjavik is the famous seaport of _______ ?
    1. England
    2. Indonesia
    3. Iceland
    4. Ireland

  • Ghautam Buddha was born in Kapila Vastu in __________?
    1. 523 BC
    2. 553 BC
    3. 563 BC
    4. 593 BC
    5. in Lumbini, in present Nepal. He was the Son of Suddhodana';s whose capital was Kapilavastu.

  • __________ Bank has been awarded the license to become the first Pakistani bank to offer financial services to clients in Beijing, China?
    1. Habib Bank Limited (HBL)
    2. Meezan Bank Limited (MBL)
    3. Askari Bank Limited (ABL)
    4. United Bank Limited (UBL)

  • The most Rainiest place in the world is ___________?
    1. Mawsynram India
    2. Cherrapunji India
    3. Tutendo, Colombia, South America
    4. Emei Shan, Sichuan Province, China

  • ";CSIS"; is the intelligence agency of _________ ?
    1. U.S A
    2. U.K
    3. Australia
    4. Canada

  • ";Military Intelligence and Security Service (MUST)"; is the intelligence agency of _______ ?
    1. Spain
    2. Austria
    3. Swedish
    4. Switzerland

  • Which city was recaptured at the end of the first war of Crusade?
    1. Rome
    2. Venice
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Vienna

  • Which king of England was forced to signed the ';Magna Carta';?
    1. King Richard I
    2. King Louis
    3. Henry III
    4. King John

  • Queen Elizabeth I of England belongs to _________ dynasty?
    1. Stuart
    2. York
    3. Tudor
    4. Normandy

  • The Battle of Waterloo was fought in ______ ?
    1. 1815
    2. 1817
    3. 1821
    4. 1818

  • The ";Kitab-fi-Tahqiq"; was written by ________ ?
    1. Firoz Shah
    2. Al-beruni
    3. Firozbadi
    4. Isami

  • How many white stars have on Flag of Tennessee the state of US?
    1. Two Stars
    2. Three Stars
    3. Four Stars

  • How many white stars have on Flag of Mississippi the state of US?
    1. 12 Stars
    2. 13 Stars
    3. 15 Stars
    4. 17 Stars

  • Which is the national flower of South Korea?
    1. King Protea
    2. Rose Of Sharon
    3. Water Lily
    4. Carnation

  • Which is the national flower of Slovenia?
    1. Rose
    2. Lily
    3. Golden Rose

  • "; DIA "; is the intelligence agency of ________ ?
    1. U.K
    2. Turkey
    3. U.S
    4. Australia

  • The Novel "; Great Expectations "; was written by ________ ?
    1. Charles Dickens
    2. Thomas Hardy
    3. Jane Austen
    4. Henry Fielding

  • The Novel "; Madame Bovary "; was written by ________ ?
    1. Leo Tolstoy
    2. James Joyce
    3. E.M. Forster
    4. Gustave Flaubert

  • "; Bir Shrestho "; is the highest military award of ________ ?
    1. South Africa
    2. South Korea
    3. Sri Lanka
    4. Bangladesh

  • "; Rafina"; is one of the famous seaport of ________ ?
    1. Italy
    2. Turkey
    3. Argentina
    4. Greece

  • "; Alexandroupolis "; is the seaport of _________ ?
    1. Egypt
    2. U.K
    3. Greece
    4. Denmark