• The Sepahsalar Mosque is located in_________?
    1. Dhaka, Bangladesh
    2. Istanbul, Turkey
    3. Toronto, Canada
    4. Tehran, Iran

  • Who established the Mughal Dynasty?
    1. King Akbar
    2. King Humayun
    3. Bābur
    4. Qutub uddin Aibek

  • The Russian Revolution took place in__________?
    1. 1917
    2. 1918
    3. 1919
    4. 1922

  • Who is called the father of Astronomy?
    1. Rudolf diesel
    2. Galileo Galilee
    3. James Cook
    4. Edward Jenner

  • Which President of the United States was assassinated?
    1. Jimmy Carter
    2. Richard Nixon
    3. Abraham Lincoln
    4. Senior Bush

  • The Mongols defeat the Khwarezmid Empire and take over Persia (Iran, Afghanistan) in ________ ?
    1. 1220
    2. 1221
    3. 1225
    4. None of these

  • Which is the national flower of China ________ ?
    1. Wild Banana Orchid
    2. Plum Blossom
    3. Tahitian Gardenia
    4. White Mariposa

  • Agrology is the study of _________?
    1. Study of agricultural soils
    2. Study of productivity of land
    3. Science of pleasure and pain
    4. Study of anaesthetics

  • Alethiology is the study of ________ ?
    1. Science of pleasure and pain
    2. Study of algae
    3. Study of truth
    4. Study of angels

  • The study of the structure of the body is called _______ ?
    1. Anthropobiology
    2. Anatomy
    3. Aphnology
    4. Apiology

  • The study of angels is called _______ ?
    1. Angelology
    2. Angiology
    3. Angalology
    4. Engelology

  • Who among the following is called the Darvesh king?
    1. Ghias-ud-din Balban
    2. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
    3. Nasir-ud-din Mahmud
    4. Shams-ud-din Altamash

  • When did Nasir-ud-din Mahmud die ?
    1. 1266
    2. 1286
    3. 1290
    4. 1296

  • When did Ghias-ud-din Balban die?
    1. 1266
    2. 1287
    3. 1290
    4. 1296

  • Who became the king of Delhi in 1414 AD?
    1. Bahlul Khan Lodi
    2. Khizar Khan
    3. Sikandar Lodhi
    4. Ibrahim Lodhi
    5. 1. He was the founder of the Sayyid Dynasty in India and ruled as a deputy of Timur';s son and successor, Shah Rukh.

  • What was the Old Name of Saudi Arabia?
    1. Jabal-e-Tariq
    2. Burundi Majd And Hejaz
    3. Najd And Hejaz
    4. None Of These

  • Who is the Author Of the Book ";The Frontier Tragedy";?
    1. Shakesspeare
    2. Karl Marx
    3. Allah Bux Yousufi
    4. M.A.H Isphani

  • Which of the following Countries are members of CACM (Central American Common Market)?
    1. Costa rica , Bahrain
    2. Washington , Bogota , El Salvador
    3. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua
    4. All of the above

  • Who wrote the book "; A Nation is Born";?
    1. Isphahani
    2. Syed Mahmud Hassan
    3. Abdul Waheed
    4. Ayub Khan

  • Zawar (Rajhastan) is famous for_________?
    1. Ship manufacturing
    2. Zinc mines
    3. Salt
    4. Major port

  • Agra city was founded by _______ ?
    1. Bahlul Khan Lodhi
    2. Ibrahim Lodhi
    3. Malik Sultan Shah Lodi
    4. Sikandar Lodhi

  • Bahlul Khan Lodi ascended the chair of the Delhi sultanate on _________ ?
    1. 19th April 1451
    2. 20th May 1451
    3. 21st July 1453
    4. 22nd October 1455

  • Who was the ruler of the kingdom between the rivers Jhelum and Chenab?
    1. King Porus
    2. Darius III
    3. Darius ll
    4. Alexander the Great

  • What was Alexander the Great most known for________?
    1. Being a great poet and playwright
    2. Being a military genius and commander
    3. Being a mathematician and scientist
    4. Being an excellent musician and singer

  • How old was Alexander the Great when he died in Babylon ?
    1. 32
    2. 37
    3. 42
    4. 45