• Federal Security Service is a secret agency of which country?
    1. Russia
    2. Australia
    3. New Zealand
    4. South Africa

  • The Umbrella Street movement is related to_________?
    1. Iraq
    2. Hong Kong
    3. France
    4. Iran

  • Which of the following is the narrowest strait of the world?
    1. Malacca Strait
    2. Palk Strait
    3. Strait of Tartar
    4. Strait Yucatan

  • Hippocratic Oath is related with_________?
    1. Arts
    2. Engineering
    3. Medicine
    4. Business

  • Who created the first Map of the World?
    1. Anaximander
    2. Holfamn
    3. Nicholas
    4. Mike Donald

  • Indus valley people worshiped?
    1. Sun
    2. Fire
    3. Mother goddess
    4. water

  • On 18th May 1974 India exploded first nuclear devise under the code name of___________?
    1. Operation Blue Star Rakshak
    2. Operation Gibraltar
    3. Operation Smiling Buddha
    4. Operation India Big

  • IMF & World Bank are created through ?
    1. Yalta Conference
    2. New Deal
    3. Treaty of Versailles
    4. Bretton Woods Agreement

  • What is total membership of US Senate?
    1. 100
    2. 102
    3. 104
    4. 109

  • Which organisation publishes "; Global Risk Report";?
    1. World Bank
    2. IMF
    3. UNDP
    4. World Economic Forum

  • Which Organisation Publishes ";World Economic Outlook";?
    1. World Bank
    2. IMF
    3. UNDP
    4. World Economic Forum

  • Which organisation publishes ";World Development Report";?
    1. IMF
    2. WEF
    3. World Bank
    4. UNDP

  • International Civil Aviation Day is observed on ____________?

  • Which UN Organization has won twice nobel prize for peace?
    1. IFAD
    2. ILO
    3. UNHCR
    4. All of above

  • When Iran Iraq war was ended?
    1. August 20, 1986
    2. August 20, 1987
    3. August 20, 1988
    4. August 20, 1989

  • Which country is the world’s largest producer of cobalt, a chemical element?
    1. Nigeria
    2. South Africa
    3. Botswana
    4. Congo

  • The World Soil Day is celebrated on_________?
    1. 4th December
    2. 5th December
    3. 6th December
    4. 7th December

  • Which city is known as the ';City of ghosts and temples';?
    1. Lahore
    2. Paris
    3. Banaras
    4. Delhi

  • Which country is the most emitter of carbon dioxide from 2018?
    1. India
    2. USA
    3. China
    4. Brazil

  • Which country has the most World Heritage sites With 55 sites?
    1. Egypt
    2. Italy
    3. Syria
    4. India

  • The World AIDS Day is observed ?
    1. 1 December
    2. 2 December
    3. 3 December
    4. None of these

  • The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery observed?
    1. 1st December
    2. 2nd December
    3. 3rd December
    4. None of these

  • How many white stars have on Flag of Kosovo __________ ?
    1. Five Stars
    2. Six Stars
    3. Seven Stars
    4. Eight Stars

  • The World Disability Day observed every year on____________?
    1. 1st December
    2. 2nd December
    3. 3rd December
    4. 4th December

  • ";Shewala Teja singh temple"; reopened after 72 years. it is located in _______ city of Pakistan.
    1. Multan
    2. Sialkot
    3. Faislabad
    4. Sheikhupura