• Which countries had the most Nobel Prize winners in 2017?
    1. USA
    2. UK
    3. France
    4. Germany

  • Sicily is the largest island in which Sea?
    1. Red Sea
    2. Caspian Sea
    3. Arabian Sea
    4. Mediterranean Sea

  • The Black forest is located in which European country?
    1. Germany
    2. France
    3. Britain
    4. Spain

  • Catalonia is a region of which country?
    1. Spain
    2. Chile
    3. Cuba
    4. Germany

  • Where do you find St. Peter';s Basilica?
    1. Vatican city
    2. Russia
    3. Spain
    4. Cuba

  • What body of water separates Saudi Arabia from Africa?
    1. Red sea
    2. Mediterranean
    3. Caspian Sea
    4. Arabian Sea

  • After many years Cinema houses were opened in Saudi Arabia?
    1. 25 Years
    2. 20 Years
    3. 35 Years
    4. 55 Years

  • Which Country and its territories cover the most time zones?
    1. Germany
    2. Greece
    3. France
    4. Spain

  • Which of the following straits separate Asia from Africa?
    1. Bering Strait
    2. Bosphorous Strait
    3. None of these

  • Which is the national flower of Barbados ?
    1. Flax
    2. Pride Of Barbados
    3. Red Poppy
    4. Black Orchid

  • When was the Famous children’s television show “Ainak Wala Jinn” broadcasted by PTV?
    1. 1990
    2. 1991
    3. 1992
    4. 1993

  • Yerevan, one of the world';s continuously inhabited cities, is the Capital of what Country?
    1. Armenia
    2. Vatican
    3. Spain
    4. Cuba

  • Capital of Chechnya is___________?
    1. Paris
    2. Moscow
    3. Grozny
    4. None of these

  • The Kyoto Protocol was established in ________ at the in _________?
    1. 2005 . . . Botswana
    2. 1997 . . . Japan
    3. 1992 . . . Brazil
    4. 1997 . . . Sweden

  • Kingston is the capital of____________?
    1. Kiribiti
    2. Kosovo
    3. Jamaica
    4. None of these

  • World Polio Day observed every year on___________?
    1. October 22
    2. October 23
    3. October 24
    4. None of these

  • When FBI of America was established?
    1. 1900
    2. 1908
    3. 1916
    4. 1920

  • Where the First ASEAN summit was held in February 1976?
    1. India
    2. Indonesia
    3. Philpine
    4. Myanmar

  • Sheikh Mujib-u-Rahman was born in__________?
    1. Tungipara Upazila
    2. Savar Upazila
    3. Uttra Thana
    4. Pabna District

  • From when Pakistani soldiers have been stationed in Saudi Arabia to protect the Kingdom?
    1. since the 1950s
    2. since the 1960s
    3. since the 1970s
    4. since the 1980s

  • The World Radio Day (WRD) is observed every year on ___________?
    1. 12 February
    2. 13 February
    3. 14 February
    4. 15 February

  • What are the Coldest months in Australia?
    1. December and January
    2. February and March
    3. July and August
    4. April and May

  • Scientific Name of Human is____________?
    1. Homo sapiens
    2. Mono sapiens
    3. Bio sapiens
    4. Cosmopolitan

  • What ";Enrico Fermi"; invented?
    1. X ray machine
    2. Betatron
    3. Cyclotron
    4. Nuclear reactor

  • FATF has its headquarter in______________?
    1. Paris
    2. Vienna
    3. Hague
    4. Washington