• Abida Parveen was honored with President of Pakistan award in_________?

  • Samara was built by_________?
    1. Walid
    2. Mamun
    3. Muta';sam‍
    4. None of the above
    5. to replace Baghdad as the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate, until it was abandoned by Caliph Al-Mu';tamid in 892 C.E., Samarra was the most important center in the Muslim world. Its Great Mosque was the largest Mosque in the world at the time. Despite the short stay of the Abbasid Caliphate in Samarra, the city';s artistic, literary, and scientific splendors have remained an important part of Arab and Islamic history.

  • Al-Beruni died in the year__________?
    1. 1047
    2. 1048
    3. 1049

  • Grand Mosque at Damascus was built by______________?

  • Which is national flower of Taiwan ?
    1. Linnaea Borealis
    2. Edelweiss
    3. Jasmine
    4. Plum Blossom

  • Which is the national flower of Sweden ?

  • Which is the national flower of Suriname ?
    1. Edelweiss

  • Which is the national flower of Spain ?
    1. Carnation

  • Reuters News Agency belongs to which country?
    1. US
    2. Russia
    3. Canada
    4. UK

  • Paristan Lake is in district?
    1. Muzzafarabad
    2. Skardu
    3. Peshawar
    4. Rawalpindi

  • Maiden Tower is in_________?
    1. Russia
    2. France
    3. Azerbaijan
    4. Malaysia

  • The tallest man of Pakistan is__________?
    1. Alam Channa
    2. Nabeel Islam
    3. Zia Rasheed
    4. Javaid Kazmi

  • The Currency of Maldives is___________?
    1. Kwacha
    2. Ringgit
    3. Rufiyaa
    4. Pataca

  • Park Güell is in__________?
    1. UAE
    2. Spain
    3. Nepal
    4. Japan

  • Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) founded in___________?
    1. 1970
    2. 1975
    3. 1980
    4. 1985

  • The oldest Intelligence agency of Pakistan is_____________?
    1. ISI
    2. IB
    3. MI
    4. None of these

  • Eden of Sindh is called_________?
    1. Hyderabad
    2. Karachi
    3. Larkana
    4. Sukkur

  • Twyfelfontein is in___________?
    1. Russia
    2. Canada
    3. Namibia
    4. China

  • Twelve Apostles are in___________?
    1. France
    2. Japan
    3. Australia
    4. Canada

  • Minaret of Jam is in_______________?
    1. Indonesia
    2. Srilanka
    3. Bangladesh
    4. Afghanistan

  • Loch Ness is freshwater loch in________?
    1. Ireland
    2. Scotland
    3. France
    4. Russia

  • Abu Simbel Temples is in_____________?
    1. India
    2. China
    3. Egypt
    4. Japan

  • Tilicho Lake is in__________?
    1. Indonesia
    2. China
    3. Nepal
    4. Srilanka

  • Millau Bridge is in__________?
    1. England
    2. France
    3. Australia
    4. China

  • Mount Eden Crater is in________?
    1. USA
    2. New Zealand
    3. Australia
    4. Japan