• Jhat pat is the old name of__________?
    1. Haripur
    2. Dera Alhyar
    3. Sawat
    4. Khairpur

  • Name the First-ever eye bank of Pakistan?
    1. Eye Bank Foundation
    2. Lions Eye Institute
    3. Eye Bank Society Hospital
    4. Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital

  • The Winter Capital of the Balochistan?
    1. Ziarat
    2. Gwadar
    3. Quetta
    4. Dera Bugti

  • Dapsang is another name of_________?
    1. K-2
    2. Nanga parbat
    3. Rakaposhi
    4. Mount Everest

  • The Indus flows into the Arabian sea at________?
    1. Sajawal
    2. Thata
    3. Karachi
    4. Badin

  • Which is oldest university of United States of America?
    1. Yale
    2. Seattle
    3. New York
    4. Harvard

  • University of Karachi was established in which year?
    1. 1948
    2. 1951
    3. 1954
    4. 1957

  • Sindh University Jamshoro was established in which year?
    1. 1944
    2. 1945
    3. 1946
    4. 1947

  • Estimated average depth of Arabian sea near Karachi is_________?
    1. 2223m
    2. 2324m
    3. 2526m
    4. 2734m

  • The United Nations'; (UN) World Refugee Day is observed on_________ each year.
    1. June 20
    2. June 21
    3. June 22
    4. June 23

  • Which is the world';s largest refugee camp in 2018?
    1. Bidi Bidi
    2. Dadaab
    3. Kutupalong
    4. Kakuma
    5. None of these

  • Who is known as Father of Pakistan Air Force?
    1. Air Chief Marshal Mosa Khan
    2. None of these

  • How many Pakistanis are currently included in British Parliament?
    1. 10
    2. 12
    3. 14
    4. 16

  • Recently how many Muslims are elected to British Parliament?
    1. 12
    2. 10
    3. 14
    4. 16

  • Which conutry is following one party system?
    1. Mongolia
    2. China
    3. Chile
    4. Spain

  • Current Director General of International Organization of Migration is?
    1. William Lacy
    2. William Lee
    3. Antonio Vitorino
    4. Joseph Henderson

  • How many headsmen (Jalad) are in Pakistan';s jail?
    1. 3
    2. 5
    3. 7
    4. 9

  • How President of Pakistan is elected?
    1. National Assembly
    2. Senate
    3. Provincial Assemblies
    4. National Assembly, Senate and Provincial Assemblies

  • Homeopathy as system of medicine was developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in Germany in _______?
    1. 1788
    2. 1792
    3. 1796
    4. 1799

  • The World Homeopathy Day is observed every year on _______ to pay tribute to Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann.
    1. 8th April
    2. 10th April
    3. 15th April
    4. 22nd April

  • First time in world Country to make constitution is___________?
    1. China
    2. France
    3. USA
    4. Russia

  • Guantanamo Bay is used as a Prison for__________?
    1. Iraq war prisoners
    2. Afghanistan War prisoners
    3. International Prisoners
    4. None of these

  • Where the 3rd Nuclear Security Summit held on the 24th March 2014?
    1. Paris, France
    2. New York, USA
    3. London, UK
    4. Hague, Netherland

  • Which Continent has the highest number of Countries?
    1. Asia
    2. Europe
    3. Noth America
    4. Africa

  • First Opium War was fought between_____________?
    1. Romania and Hungry
    2. France and Germany
    3. United Kingdom and China
    4. none of these