• In ODI Cricket Which Team holds the record of highest margin win (by score) is ?
    1. Australia
    2. South Africa
    3. New zealand
    4. Sri Lanka

  • STAR stands for__________?
    1. Standard Terminal Arrival Road
    2. Standard Terminal Arrival Route
    3. Standard Term Arrival Route
    4. Strong Terminal Arrival Road

  • The second name of Khojak Pass is _______ ?
    1. Toba Chaman
    2. Toba Afghanistan
    3. Toba Kaker
    4. None of them

  • What is meant by word Quetta?
    1. Town
    2. Fort
    3. Hill
    4. Dead

  • The word ";OPF"; stands for_________?
    1. Overseas Pakistan Federation
    2. Overseas People Federation
    3. Overseas Pakistanis Foundation
    4. None of these

  • ";Doab"; is a _______?
    1. Area b/w two oceans
    2. Area b/w two rivers
    3. Area b/w two islands
    4. Area b/w two countries

  • First Asian city to host the Olympics is__________?
    1. Beijing
    2. Tokyo
    3. New Dehli
    4. Katmandu

  • First Country to make Education Compulsory is_________?
    1. USA
    2. China
    3. Japan
    4. Prussia

  • Who was the 1st President of India?
    1. V.V. Giri
    2. Jawaharlal Nehru
    3. Rajendra Prasad
    4. Lal Bahadur Shastri

  • The last King of Afghanistan was____________?
    1. Habib ullah Khan
    2. Muhammad Zahir Shah
    3. Sardar Daud Khan
    4. Aman ullah Khan

  • The largest opium producer province of Afghanistan is_________?
    1. Helmand
    2. Paktia
    3. Herat
    4. Nangarhar

  • Which of the following is not an example of modern slavery?
    1. Bonded labour
    2. Child labour
    3. Human trafficking
    4. Forced marriage
    5. All of the above are examples of modern slavery

  • Which Country has Constructed the world longest sea bridge?
    1. USA
    2. Germany
    3. China
    4. France

  • Reykjavik is the capital of ________?
    1. Iceland
    2. Ireland
    3. Croatia
    4. Montenegro

  • Manila is the capital and seaport of ________?
    1. Phillipines
    2. Coast Rica
    3. Croatia
    4. Montenegro

  • Gulf war started in________?

  • Capital of Croatia is_____________?
    1. Zagreb
    2. Rijeka
    3. Sisak
    4. Zadar

  • River Sawan is located in__________?
    1. Sindh
    2. GB
    3. Swat
    4. Rawalpindi

  • Who Won the FIFA World Cup 2018 ?
    1. Croatia
    2. Argentina
    3. Pakistan
    4. France

  • Who was the First Poet of the Urdu language?
    1. Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib
    2. Hassan Mohani
    3. Amir Khusrow
    4. Mir Taqi Mir

  • Who is the Father of Urdu Literature?
    1. Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib
    2. Mir Taqi Mir
    3. Hassan Mohani
    4. Molvi Abdul Haq

  • SUPARCO stand for__________?
    1. The Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission

  • SSGC stands for __________?
    1. Sui Sindh Gas Corridor
    2. Sui Southern Gas Company’s
    3. Sui Special Gas Company’s
    4. Sui Southern Gas Corridor

  • CPI stands for __________?
    1. Company Price Index
    2. Customer Price Index
    3. Current Price Index
    4. Consumer Price Index

  • International Day of Cooperatives is observed on the ________ Saturday of July each year?
    1. First
    2. Second
    3. Third
    4. Fourth