• Zimbabwe has the highest number of ______ official languages.
    1. 12
    2. 14
    3. 16
    4. 18

  • ECL stands for ____________?
    1. Entry Control List
    2. Exit Control List
    3. Extended Control List
    4. Error Correction List

  • National Day is observed in which Islamic country on first January?
    1. Sudan
    2. Libya
    3. Nigeria
    4. Maldives
    5. Indonesia

  • RAW stands for _______?
    1. Reduction of American Warrior
    2. Real Action Work
    3. Repertoire of Administrative Workload
    4. Research and Analysis Wing

  • The driest desert in the world is___________?
    1. Sahara Desert
    2. Cholistan Desert
    3. Arabian Desert
    4. Atacama Desert

  • The largest waterfalls system in the world is__________?
    1. Angel Falls
    2. Victoria Falls
    3. Niagara Falls
    4. Iguazu Falls

  • The Atacama Desert is located in_________?
    1. Asia
    2. Africa
    3. South America
    4. Australia

  • The Great Wall of China is about __________ KM long.
    1. 18,196
    2. 19,196
    3. 20,196
    4. 21,196

  • State Bird of Pakistan is_________?
    1. Pregarine falcon/shaheen
    2. Markhor
    3. Chakor
    4. None of above

  • National insignia of Pakistan is__________?
    1. Deodar
    2. Indus dolphin
    3. Crescent and star
    4. None of above

  • National monument of Pakistan is located in ___________?
    1. Rawalpindi
    2. Faisalabad
    3. Islamabad
    4. Lahore

  • National Predator of Pakistan is__________?
    1. Lion
    2. Snow bear
    3. Snow Leopard
    4. All of these

  • National Vegetable of Pakistan is_________?
    1. Carrot
    2. Tomato
    3. Lady Finger
    4. All of these

  • National Reptile of Pakistan is_________?
    1. Rho fish
    2. Indus dolphin
    3. Mugger Crocodile
    4. All of these

  • FIR stands for ___________?
    1. Final Information Report
    2. First Information Report
    3. Field Information Report
    4. Fact Interrogation Report

  • Which Islamic country national language is English?
    1. Somalia
    2. Brunei
    3. Nigeria
    4. Libya

  • Arabic is national language of how many Islamic countries?
    1. 24
    2. 26
    3. 28
    4. 30
    5. 32

  • ECG stands for _______________?
    1. East Capital Group
    2. Electro Cardio Gram
    3. Emergency Cell Group
    4. Electronic Communication Group

  • ACU stands for _____________?
    1. Animals Care Unit
    2. Anti-corruption Unit
    3. Asian commonwealth Universities
    4. Area Control Unit

  • How many state owned shipping fleet does Pakistan have?
    1. 5
    2. 3
    3. 1
    4. 7

  • Which of the following is the longest route of Pakistan Railways?
    1. Kotri to Attock line
    2. Karachi to Peshawar line
    3. Rohri to Chaman line
    4. Quetta to Taftan line

  • M9 is the motorway b/w _________?
    1. Faisalabad to Multan
    2. Hyderabad to Karachi
    3. Multan to Sukkur
    4. Karachi Northern Bypass

  • M8 is the motorway b/w _________?
    1. Ratodero to Karachi
    2. Ratodero to Gawadar
    3. Ratodero to DG khan
    4. Lahore to Sialkot

  • M2 is the motorway b/w _________?
    1. Multan to Sukkur
    2. Islamabad to Lahore
    3. Karachi to Hyderabad
    4. Lahore to Sialkot

  • M1 is the motorway b/w ________?
    1. Lahore to Islamabad
    2. Peshawar to Islamabad
    3. Pindi Bhattian to Faisalabad
    4. Faisalabad to Multan