• ";State of Denial"; book is written by _____________.
    1. Bob Woodward
    2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    3. Thompson, J.W. and S.K Padover
    4. None of these

  • Which is the smallest ocean of the world ?
    1. Atlantic
    2. Pacific
    3. Indian
    4. Arctic

  • PMD stands for
    1. Pakistan Medical Department
    2. Pakistan Metropolitan Department
    3. Pakistan Meteorological Department
    4. Pakistan Mediocre Department

  • Which country does not have any mosquitoes?
    1. Ireland
    2. Switzerland
    3. Iceland
    4. Belgium

  • How many players a team have in volleyball game?
    1. 5
    2. 7
    3. 6
    4. 8

  • Which of the following is the type of indoor game?
    1. Squash
    2. Billiards
    3. Chess
    4. Table tennis
    5. All of the above

  • Ping pong is another name of which sport?
    1. Volleyball
    2. Table tennis
    3. Yatching
    4. Rowing

  • Which of the following hemisphere is more populated?
    1. Southern
    2. Northern
    3. Eastern
    4. Western

  • How many hemispheres does earth have?
    1. 3
    2. 2
    3. 4
    4. 6

  • What is the only continent that lies in all four hemispheres?
    1. Asia
    2. Africa
    3. Europe
    4. Australia

  • Which of the following country has world';s largest note?
    1. Phillipines
    2. Russia
    3. France
    4. Argentina

  • Which of the following country has the world';s smallest note?
    1. Romania
    2. Iran
    3. Seychelles
    4. Tajikistan

  • The first bank note was originated in China. What was it known as at the time of invention?
    1. Papernote
    2. Flying money
    3. Currency
    4. Banknote

  • Mostly bank notes in the world are made of what?
    1. Paper
    2. Cotton
    3. Plastic
    4. Cellulose

  • Which of the following is the word';s oldest currency?
    1. Euro
    2. British pound sterling
    3. Japanese yen
    4. U.S dollar

  • Which of the following is the most traded currency in the world?
    1. U.S dollar
    2. Euro
    3. Japanese yen
    4. British pound

  • Which of the following is the weakest currency in the world?
    1. Iranian Rial
    2. Vietnamese Dong
    3. Indonesian Rupiah
    4. Guinean Franc

  • Which of the following is the strongest currency in the world?
    1. Kuwaiti dinar
    2. Bahraini dinar
    3. Omani riyal
    4. USA dollar

  • Which of the following country has ";Ruble"; as it';s currency?
    1. Tajikistan
    2. Belarus
    3. Russia
    4. All of the above

  • Which of the following countries has ";Rupee"; as it';s currency?
    1. Pakistan and India
    2. Nepal and Srilanka
    3. Seychelles
    4. A and B
    5. All of the above

  • Which of the following country has ";Rial"; as it';s currency?
    1. Iran
    2. Oman
    3. S.Arabia
    4. Both A and B
    5. None of these

  • Which of the following country has ";Australian dollar"; as it';s currency?
    1. Australia
    2. Nauru
    3. Marianad
    4. Kiribati
    5. All

  • Which of the following country is the smallest by population after Vatican city?
    1. Tuvalu
    2. Palau
    3. San Marino
    4. Monaco

  • Which of the following country is the smallest by area?
    1. Vatican city
    2. Monaco
    3. Nauru
    4. Tuvalu

  • Which of the following country has ";Rand"; as it';s currency?
    1. S. Africa
    2. Namibia
    3. Zambia
    4. A and B