• Which of the following country has it';s capital name same as country';s name?
    1. Macau
    2. Singapore
    3. Vatican city
    4. B and C
    5. All

  • Theresa May was the prime minister of which country?
    1. UK
    2. USA
    3. Germany
    4. Poland

  • Lime is the capital of which country?
    1. Peru
    2. Surinam
    3. Bolivia
    4. Haiti

  • Tripoli is the capital of which country?
    1. Libya
    2. Malawi
    3. Mali
    4. Rwanda

  • Which country has it';s parliament named as ";National congress";?
    1. Argentina
    2. Brazil
    3. Bolivia
    4. Venezuela
    5. All

  • Which of the following country has rose as its national flower?
    1. Iran
    2. USA
    3. UK
    4. All

  • Which of the following country has lion as its emblem?
    1. Netherlands
    2. Norway
    3. Belgium
    4. Srilanka
    5. All

  • The Way of the World is written by ___________.
    1. William Congreve
    2. Ron Suskind
    3. H.V.Hudson
    4. Ayesha Jalal

  • FATF stands for
    1. Federal Agency Task Force
    2. Financial Authority Task Forum
    3. Financial Action Task Force
    4. Federal Action Task Forum

  • The World biggest oil refinery is situated?
    1. Saudi Arabia
    2. Kuwait
    3. Iran
    4. India

  • Which country has the largest army?
    1. India
    2. USA
    3. China
    4. Russia

  • Which country suffered the maximum in world war 2nd ?
    1. Japan
    2. Germany
    3. Russia
    4. France

  • What was the real name of Shah WaliUllah ?
    1. Ahmad
    2. Mohsin
    3. Ismail
    4. Ahsan

  • PkMAP stands for
    1. Pakhtunkhwa Mutahida Awami Party
    2. Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party
    3. Pakhtunkhwa Mohajir Awami Party
    4. Pakhtunkhwa Muslim Awami Party

  • How many seats presently FATA has in National Assembly?
    1. 10
    2. 12
    3. 14
    4. 16

  • Which country is called ";The Land of White Elephants";?
    1. Italy
    2. Germany
    3. Thailand
    4. South Africa

  • Which country is called ";Rainbow Nation";?
    1. Australia
    2. USA
    3. Mexico
    4. South Africa

  • Which country has the highest number of official languages?
    1. Japan
    2. South Africa
    3. Zimbabwe
    4. Spain
    5. Canada

  • Which country has eleven official languages?
    1. China
    2. Indonesia
    3. Germany
    4. South Africa

  • What is Archipelago?
    1. A group of separate islands
    2. A group of inter-connected islands
    3. Island having no trees
    4. None

  • Where is the Attock Refinery?
    1. Attock
    2. Rawalpindi
    3. Swat
    4. Peshawar

  • Which of the following is the commercial crop?
    1. Wheat
    2. Cotton
    3. Rice
    4. None

  • Which country has largest area under cultivation?
    1. India
    2. USA
    3. China
    4. Pakistan

  • What happens when sun';s rays are vertical on the equator?
    1. Days are of greater duration than nights
    2. Days are of equal duration as nights
    3. Days are of smaller duration than nights
    4. None

  • In what direction earth rotates on it';s axis?
    1. East to west
    2. West to East
    3. North to South
    4. South to North