• Ipoh is a city in_________________?
    1. Indonesia
    2. Malaysia
    3. China
    4. South Korea

  • Taurus mountains are located in?
    1. Pakistan
    2. Turkey
    3. Afghanistan
    4. Nepal

  • Which is the Second Largest Landlocked Country in the World?
    1. Kazakhstan
    2. Azerbaijan
    3. Mangolia
    4. Uzbekistan

  • Which is called ";The valley of ten thousand smokes";?
    1. Texas
    2. California
    3. Alaska
    4. Arizona

  • The World';s longest glacier ";Lambert"; is located in___________?
    1. Asia
    2. Europe
    3. Africa
    4. Antarctica

  • The World';s highest dam ";Nurek"; is located in?
    1. Azerbaijan
    2. Tajikistan
    3. Kazakhstan
    4. Uzbekistan

  • Salwan kot is the old name of__________?
    1. Quetta
    2. Multan
    3. Lahore
    4. Sialkot

  • _______ member of SAARC has largest literacy rate.
    1. Maldives
    2. Sri Lanka
    3. India
    4. Bangladesh

  • Pakistan is the _____ largest cotton grower in the world.
    1. 4th
    2. 5th
    3. 6th
    4. 7th

  • The highest peak of Africa is __________?
    1. Mt. Elbrus
    2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    3. Mt. Everest
    4. Mt. Blanc

  • Which of the following Crops is the largest consumer of Water?
    1. Rice
    2. Sugarcane
    3. Wheat
    4. Pulses

  • Which city is called ";The city of silent thoroughfares";?
    1. Amsterdam
    2. Venice
    3. Paris
    4. Stockholm

  • Which Country is called ";The Land of Fire";?
    1. Azerbaijan
    2. Uzbekistan
    3. Tajikistan
    4. Tukemnestan

  • Which Country is Called ";Land of mighty rivers";?
    1. Egypt
    2. India
    3. USA
    4. Nigeria

  • Tim Paine is the _______Test captain of Australia?
    1. 45
    2. 46
    3. 49
    4. 51

  • Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland is ________ by Profession?
    1. Doctor
    2. Engineer
    3. Painter
    4. Barrister

  • Which among the following does not belong to seven new wonders of the world?
    1. Taj Mahal of Agra
    2. Pyramid at Chichen Itza
    3. Ruins of Petra
    4. The Eiffel Tower in Paris

  • Who designed Statue of Christ -; The Redeemer?
    1. Anna Levinson
    2. Apostolos Vellios
    3. Heitor de Silva Costa
    4. Olena Shurkhno

  • Who built Machu Picchu?
    1. Atahualpa
    2. Huayna Capac
    3. Pachacutec
    4. Viracocha Inca

  • Who built the Pharos of Alexandria?
    1. Dinocrates
    2. Eudoxus of Cnidus
    3. Mausolus
    4. Sostratus of Cnidus

  • The height of Burj Khalifa is___________?
    1. 828 metres
    2. 820 metres
    3. 815 metres
    4. None of the above

  • Which is called the first wonder of the world?
    1. The Pyramids of Egypt
    2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
    3. The Tomb of Mausolus
    4. The Colossus of Rhodes

  • World';s most valuable (highest ranked) currency is__________?
    1. Kuwait Dinar
    2. Bahrain Dinar
    3. Oman Rial
    4. Jordan Dinar

  • Which city is called ";Gateway of India";?
    1. Mumbai
    2. Dehli
    3. Kalcutta
    4. Hyderabad Deccan

  • Which country is called ";Land of snow";?
    1. Switzerland
    2. Netherlands
    3. Canada
    4. Ireland