• Which City is called ";Valley of flowers";?
    1. Peshawar
    2. Quetta
    3. Lahore
    4. Karachi

  • Which city is called ";Golden city";?
    1. London
    2. Mumbai
    3. Colombo
    4. Johannesburg

  • Which city is called ";the city of conferences";?
    1. Newyork
    2. Geneva
    3. Washington. DC
    4. London

  • Which country is called ";Land of Lilies";?
    1. Canada
    2. USA
    3. Mexico
    4. UK

  • Which City is called ";City of Eternal Springs";?
    1. Geneva
    2. Berlin
    3. London
    4. Quito

  • Which Country is called ";Land of Amber";?
    1. Lithuania
    2. Bolivia
    3. Canada
    4. India

  • Which Country is called ";Great Britain of Pacific";?
    1. Taiwan
    2. NewZealand
    3. Japan
    4. Brunai

  • Which Country is called ";Crossroads of Western Europe";?
    1. Belgium
    2. Norway
    3. England
    4. Switzerland

  • Which Country is called ";Isle of pearls";?
    1. Iran
    2. Bahrain
    3. Iraq
    4. Syria

  • ___________is the key to the Mediterranean Sea?
    1. Spain
    2. Egypt
    3. Bab-ul-Maneb
    4. Gibraltar

  • Which city is called ";The Modern Babylon";?
    1. London
    2. Amsterdam
    3. Berlin
    4. Paris

  • Which Country is called ";Land of Fertile Fields";?
    1. Algeria
    2. Luanda
    3. Nigeria
    4. Greenland

  • Which Ocean is Called ";Herring Pond";?
    1. Atlantic Ocean
    2. Pacific Ocean
    3. Arctic Ocean
    4. Indian Ocean

  • FATA has _______ seats for women in National Assembly.
    1. 0
    2. 3
    3. 5
    4. 7

  • How many General seats each province have in the Senate?
    1. 14
    2. 16
    3. 18
    4. 20

  • Which conutry is called ";Switzerland of Africa";?
    1. Egypt
    2. Somalia
    3. Swaziland
    4. Algeria

  • Which Country is called ";Land of milk and honey";?
    1. Lebanon
    2. Iraq
    3. Syria
    4. India

  • Which conutry is called ";Land of protease";?
    1. Australia
    2. NewZealand
    3. South Africa
    4. Zimbabwe

  • Where is the official residence of Prime Minister of Sri Lanka?
    1. Temple Trees
    2. Queen';s Land
    3. Blue House
    4. Elysee Palace

  • Which Country is called ";Thunderbolt of Asia";?
    1. Thailand
    2. Bhutan
    3. China
    4. Taiwan

  • __________ is the branch of physical geography dealing with the formation and features of mountains.
    1. Orography
    2. Cartography
    3. Palaeogeography
    4. Oceanography

  • The name of famous clown at Food chain McDonald';s name is ____________?
    1. Asa Candler
    2. Col. Harland Sanders
    3. Ronald McDonald
    4. Ray Kroc

  • Bagram is an airbase of USA situated in__________?
    1. Afghanistan
    2. Pakistan
    3. Somalia
    4. Kazakhstan

  • Vatican city in which the Pope lives is a city that lies in _________?
    1. Germany
    2. France
    3. Italy
    4. Belgium

  • Hegel was a ___________ Philosopher?
    1. French
    2. German
    3. Italian
    4. Swedish