• South Pole was discovered by__________?
    1. Cabot
    2. Robert Peary
    3. North America
    4. Roald Amundsen

  • The length of USA and Canada border is___________?
    1. 8891 KM
    2. 5525 KM
    3. 7611 KM
    4. 4278 KM

  • The longest border in the world between two countries is___________?
    1. Radcliffe Line (between India and Pakistan)
    2. International boundary (between USA and Canada)
    3. Durand line (between Pakistan and Afghanistan)
    4. None

  • The border between USA and Canada is officially known as ?
    1. 37 Parallel line
    2. 38 Parallel line
    3. Hinden berg line
    4. International boundary

  • Which City of UK will host Commonwealth Games 2022?
    1. London
    2. Birmingham
    3. Manchester
    4. None of these

  • In 2018 Commonwealth Games athletes from ________ countries participated?
    1. 70
    2. 71
    3. 72
    4. 75

  • 2018 Commonwealth Games were held in which Australian city?
    1. Canberra
    2. Sidney
    3. Gold Coast
    4. None

  • Where is the Headquarter of Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC)?
    1. Riyadh
    2. Jeddah
    3. Mekkah
    4. None of Them

  • The Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC) is an alliance of how many Islamic countries?
    1. 34
    2. 41
    3. 53
    4. 50

  • Riskdag is the name of parliament of___________?
    1. Somalia
    2. Swedish
    3. Canada
    4. Denmark

  • “Yusuf Zulekan” is a _________ love Story.

  • The eradication of poverty day is internationally observed on _____________.
    1. October 16
    2. October 17
    3. October 18
    4. October 19

  • ___________ is called Father of Comedy.
    1. Gibbon
    2. Bancroft
    3. Shaw
    4. Aristophanes
    5. Herodotus

  • ';Mein Kampf'; is autobiography of___________?
    1. Posternak
    2. Adolf Hitler
    3. Navakov
    4. Goethe

  • International date line passes through which strait?
    1. Malacca Strait
    2. Adam Strait
    3. Bering Strait
    4. Java Strait

  • Who is known as Napoleon of Asia?
    1. Hemu Bekal
    2. Tipu Sultan
    3. Nadir Shah
    4. Chandra Bose

  • Which poet is called Romi of Kashmir?
    1. Hashim Shah
    2. Syed Bulleh Shah
    3. Syed Waris Shah
    4. Mian Mohammad Bakhsh

  • Which country is called ";Land of protease______________?
    1. Australia
    2. NewZealand
    3. South Africa
    4. Zimbabwe

  • Which country is called ";Venice of the North_________?
    1. Stockholm
    2. Britain
    3. Austria
    4. Netherland

  • ";APP"; news agency belongs to:_________?
    1. India
    2. Pakistan
    3. France
    4. China

  • Which of the following female mosquito is the cause of Dengue fever?
    1. Aedes Aegypteis
    2. Anophilies
    3. Barinohils
    4. N.O.A

  • Who discovered the Gamma Rays?
    1. Alfred Marshall
    2. Paul Villard
    3. Bohar
    4. Jabar bin Hayan

  • Which is the most famous brand of the world ?
    1. Nokia
    2. Coca cola
    3. Micro software
    4. None of these

  • How many years after the diagnosis of HIV AIDS will a man die?
    1. 8 years
    2. 6 years
    3. 4 years
    4. 2 years

  • There are top 10 populous countries in the world and Pakistan is on_________ number?
    1. 3rd
    2. 4th
    3. 5th
    4. 6th