• NEQS refer to ____________?
    1. Environment
    2. Upper atmosphere
    3. Sea- bed
    4. Continental shelf

  • The Liberhan Commission was a long-running inquiry commissioned by the Government of India to investigate the ____________?
    1. 1984 anti-Sikh riots

  • What is the sensitive list in SAFTA?
    1. which does not include tariff concession
    2. which does include tariff concession
    3. which includes non-exportable items
    4. which includes banned items

  • United Nations University lies in_______________________?
    1. Japan
    2. Switzerland
    3. U.S
    4. Colombia

  • What is the budget?
    1. A budget is an economical plan for an undefined period of time
    2. A budget is an economical plan for a defined period of time
    3. A budget is a financial plan for an undefined period of time
    4. A budget is a financial plan for a defined period of time

  • The Black river is located in __________________?
    1. Jamaica
    2. Argentina
    3. Chile
    4. Canada

  • The Amazon river dolphins is also called______________________?
    1. Pink river dolphins
    2. Green river dolphins
    3. Blue river dolphins
    4. white river dolphins

  • Green river is located in_________________?
    1. U.S
    2. China
    3. South Africa
    4. Austria

  • Yellow river is located in__________________?
    1. U.S
    2. China
    3. South Africa
    4. Austria

  • Blue River is located in_____________?
    1. U.S
    2. China
    3. South Africa
    4. Austria

  • The world';s oldest parliament, founded in the year 930 AD is __________________?
    1. British Parliament
    2. Diet of Japan
    3. Althing of Iceland
    4. Cortes of Spain

  • White river is located in______________________?
    1. U.S
    2. China
    3. South Africa
    4. Austria

  • ";Shining Path"; is a militant group of which country_____________________?
    1. Peru
    2. Paraguay
    3. Mexico
    4. Bolivia

  • Border line which separates outer space from Earth';s atmosphere is known as___________?
    1. Durand line
    2. Space line
    3. Venus line
    4. Karman line

  • International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on__________?
    1. 21 Feb
    2. 21 March
    3. 21 June
    4. 21 Oct

  • International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is observed annually on__________?
    1. 25 Sept
    2. 25 Oct
    3. 25 Nov

  • Which country is the biggest producer of uranium in the world________?
    1. Canada
    2. Kazakhstan
    3. Australia
    4. Niger

  • “FBI” of America was established in_____________?
    1. 1907
    2. 1908
    3. 1909
    4. 1910

  • Gymnophobia is the fear of____________?
    1. Exercise
    2. Nudity
    3. Crowd
    4. War

  • in which country The last specie white rhino dies?
    1. Africa
    2. Ethopia
    3. Sudan
    4. Somalia

  • which Indian actor sentenced to a five-year jail term by the Indian court in the blackbuck poaching case on 5 April?
    1. Salman Khan
    2. Sanjay dutt
    3. Saif Ali Khan
    4. None of above

  • What is the height of the wicket used in the game of cricket_____?
    1. 26 inches (66 cm)
    2. 27 inches (68.6 cm)
    3. 28 inches (71.12 cm)
    4. 29 inches (73.7 cm)

  • How many balls are used in play in the game of snooker ________ ?
    1. 18
    2. 20
    3. 22
    4. 24

  • The Olympic game where men and women can simultaniously compete with each other is ___________?
    1. Tennis
    2. Swimming
    3. Shooting

  • Official language of Universal Postal Union is______________?
    1. French
    2. English
    3. Brazilian
    4. German