• What is the name given to areas of land in the higher latitudes where short, cool summers do not permit trees to grow?
    1. Arctic
    2. Tropical
    3. Savanna
    4. Tundra

  • The point that lies directly above the source of an earthquake is known as _______________ ?
    1. Earthquake Center
    2. Epicenter
    3. Gravitational Center
    4. Geological Center

  • Water source beneath the earth flowing naturally is called ____________?
    1. Stream
    2. Fall
    3. Spring
    4. Lake

  • The Band-e- Amir National Park is located in______________.
    1. Iran
    2. Iraq
    3. Afghanistan
    4. Kuwait

  • The Empire State Building is located in_______________.
    1. London
    2. Birmingham
    3. Paris
    4. New York City

  • The mixture of silt, sand, and gravel deposited by flowing water such as rivers and streams is called _______?
    1. Sediment
    2. Loess
    3. Alluvium
    4. All of the above

  • The areas of grassland totally without trees in South America especially around the estuary of the River Plate are called _________?
    1. Savanna
    2. Pampas
    3. Loess
    4. None of the above

  • China’s _________________ space station mostly burns up on re-entry over South Pacific.
    1. Tianhe
    2. Tianzhou
    3. Tiangong 1
    4. Xuntian

  • Basin is a low land area. Which are the largest basins in the face of the earth?
    1. Seas
    2. Oceans
    3. Rivers
    4. None of the above

  • A hill or peak sticking through an ice cap, mostly found in Green land or Antarctica is called __________?
    1. Mesa
    2. Moraines
    3. Nunatak
    4. Loess

  • A vent in the Earth’s surface that emits steam and gases, essentially associated with volcanic regions is known as ________?
    1. Fumarole
    2. Mesa
    3. Munatak
    4. Moraines

  • Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India__________?
    1. President
    2. prime minister
    3. chief justice
    4. Parliament

  • The SAFTA(South Asian Free Trade Agreement) entered into force on 1 January,__________?
    1. 2004
    2. 2005
    3. 2006
    4. 2007

  • The SAPTA(South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement) signed on 11 April_____________?
    1. 1993
    2. 1994
    3. 2004
    4. 2006

  • SAFTA signed on 6 January 2004 in_______________?
    1. 10 SAARC summit
    2. 11 SAARC summit
    3. 12 SAARC summit
    4. 13 SAARC summit

  • The official language(s) of ";Association of Southeast Asian Nations"; is/are _____________?
    1. One
    2. Five
    3. Nine
    4. Ten

  • The motto of ';Association of Southeast Asian Nations'; is ";One Vision, One__________ ,One Community";.
    1. Unity
    2. Identity
    3. Faith
    4. Ideology

  • The country famous for Samba dance is_________?
    1. USA
    2. Brazil
    3. Portugal
    4. Chile

  • Name of the Alexander horse was__________?
    1. Beucephalus
    2. Alexcephalus
    3. Macodophalus
    4. Grekophalus

  • The most densely populated island in the world is Honshu located in_______?
    1. South Korea
    2. North Korea
    3. Japan
    4. China

  • When Pakistan introduced National Identity cards (NIC)____________?
    1. 1948
    2. 1957
    3. 1963

  • Napoleon suffered from alurophobia which means____________?
    1. Fear of cats
    2. Fear of rats
    3. Fear of cockroaches
    4. Fear of height

  • The country whose national anthem has only music no words______________?
    1. Bahrain
    2. Chile
    3. Greece
    4. Albania

  • Which of the following keys of personal computer is not available in the key board of traditional typewriters?
    1. Tab
    2. Enter
    3. Backspace
    4. Spacebar

  • River Jordon flow out into __________?
    1. Dead sea
    2. Caspian sea
    3. Red sea
    4. Mediterranean sea