• Diego Garcia is United States military base in the_________________?
    1. Pacific Ocean
    2. Atlantic  Ocean

  • ";Decision Point” Book is written by____________.
    1. Barack Obama
    2. Bill Clinton
    3. Richard Nixon

  • Nightingale Florence (belongs to France) was a______________.
    1. Doctor
    2. Nurse
    3. Teacher
    4. House wife

  • Who was the last President of International Cricket Council (ICC) ?
    1. Alan Issac
    2. David Richardson
    3. Zaheer Abbas
    4. Shashank Manohar

  • The first Persian newspaper was_______?
    1. Persian News
    2. Jam-i-Jahan Numa
    3. AL-Hilal
    4. Mirat-ul-Akhbar

  • International Cricket Council (ICC) headquarters is located in__________?
    1. Dubai
    2. USA
    3. China
    4. Australia

  • ICC was founded in the year_________?
    1. 1905
    2. 1910
    3. 1909
    4. 1914

  • The areas around the North and South poles within the Polar circles is called _____________?
    1. The Torrid Zone
    2. The Frigid Zone
    3. The Temperature Zone

  • The world’s largest land border is between __________________?
    1. Russia and China
    2. Argentina and Brazil
    3. America and Canada

  • Which part of the world is known as “Star and key of Indian Ocean”?
    1. Manora
    2. Sri Lanka
    3. Maldives
    4. Mauritius
    5. Madagascar

  • The most precious gemstone “Emerald” are found in______?
    1. Gilgit
    2. Hunza
    3. Swat
    4. Dir

  • “Siachen Glacier” is situated in_______?
    1. Hindu Kush
    2. Sulaiman
    3. Pamir
    4. Karakorum

  • Bore is caused by______?
    1. Rising tide while meeting river currents
    2. Friction from prevailing winds
    3. Spring tide and strong winds
    4. Unequal heating of oceans

  • Oldest university of the world is __________?
    1. University of bologna
    2. University of Karueein
    3. University of Nalanda
    4. University of Karachi

  • The deepest place in the Indian Ocean is_____?
    1. Mariana Trench
    2. Puerto Rico Trench
    3. Diamantina  Trench
    4. Isle Trench

  • A canyon is a large form of ________?
    1. Dry valley
    2. Gorge
    3. Pediment
    4. Badiand

  • The Stevenson screen contains all of these EXCEPT:
    1. Wet bulb thermometer
    2. Maximum thermometer
    3. Ordinary thermometer
    4. Anemometer

  • Afternoon rains in the equatorial region are the result of influences _______?
    1. Land Breeze
    2. Monsoon
    3. Frontal
    4. Convectional

  • The extinct Volcanic Peak of Koh-i-Sultan is in _______?
    1. Turkmanistan
    2. Turkey
    3. Iran
    4. Pakistan

  • What is Chandragup?

  • Transportation and trade are______?
    1. Secondary activities
    2. Tertiary activities
    3. Quaternary activities

  • Which of the following regions is ‘Peninsula’________?
    1. Arabia
    2. Scandinavia
    3. All of above

  • The richest fishing ground in the world:
    1. North Western Europe
    2. North Eastern Asia
    3. North Western Africa
    4. North Eastern North America

  • Maize, Rice and Wheat are generally referred as_____?
    1. Root crops
    2. Legumes Crops granaries
    3. Cereal Crops
    4. None of Above

  • The largest latitude circle on earth is ________?
    1. Arctic circle
    2. Tropic of cancer
    3. Tropic of Capricorn
    4. The Equator