• Who was the first asian to receive noble prize in 1913?
    1. Rabinder Nath Tagore
    2. C.V.Raman
    3. I.A.Bunin
    4. Mother teresa

  • Harrapa city is situated on the bank of which river?
    1. Ravi
    2. Chenab
    3. Sutlej
    4. Indus

  • The oldest flag of the world is?
    1. Denmark
    2. China
    3. Japan
    4. Greece

  • The oldest anthem of the world is?
    1. Japan
    2. China
    3. Russia
    4. Denmark

  • Total number UN Security Council members is____________?
    1. 5
    2. 10
    3. 15
    4. 20

  • The General Assembly of UN meets regularly once a year on third Tuesday of_____________?
    1. September
    2. October
    3. November
    4. December

  • How many official working languages recognized by UN (United Nations)?
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 6
    4. 7

  • The UN official birthday is celebrated on____________?
    1. December 24, 1945
    2. October 24, 1945
    3. September 24, 1945
    4. November 24, 1945

  • Pakistan Television started in the reign of_____________?
    1. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
    2. Yahya Khan
    3. Zia Ul Haq
    4. Ayub Khan

  • How many states are in Europe
    1. 47
    2. 48
    3. 49
    4. 51

  • headquarter of the African Union is located in____________?
    1. Johannesburg
    2. Cairo
    3. Dakar
    4. Addis Ababa

  • What was the name of concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Germany in 1961?
    1. Peace Wall
    2. Peace Berlin Wall
    3. Berlin Wall
    4. Peace Wall of Berlin

  • Wood is the main raw material for the manufacture of ____________?
    1. Paint
    2. Gun powder
    3. Paper
    4. Ink

  • In the manufacture of banaspati ghee the gas used is __________?
    1. Helium
    2. Hydrogen
    3. Oxygen
    4. Nitrogen

  • ________________is the fear of bathing?
    1. Agoraphobia
    2. Acrophobia
    3. Ablutophobia
    4. Hydrophobia

  • Which US president resigned while in office ?
    1. Richard Nixon
    2. Jimmy Carter
    3. Ronald Reagan
    4. J. F. Kennedy

  • ____________ is a famous beverage today , originally it was the name of a medicine?
    1. Coca Cola
    2. Lemonade
    3. Pepsi
    4. Soda water

  • Father of rivers is called ____________?
    1. Indus river
    2. Amazon river
    3. Manchar river
    4. Keenjhar river

  • Angela Merkel is a German Politician serving as Chancellor of Germany since___________?
    1. November 2003
    2. November 2005
    3. November 2008
    4. November 2011

  • Which country has no railway track?
    1. Afghanistan
    2. China
    3. Russia
    4. Somalia

  • Spectrum is made of ____ colors?
    1. 7
    2. 8
    3. 6
    4. 9

  • Blind dolphins are found in which river of Pakistan?
    1. Indus
    2. Jehlum
    3. Kabul
    4. Chenab

  • Where the Pakistan';s first radio station was setup?
    1. Karachi
    2. Lahore
    3. Multan
    4. Islamabad

  • Who was the last mughal emperor to sit on the peacock throne?
    1. Muhammad Shah
    2. Aurangzeb
    3. Shah zafar
    4. Shah alam II

  • Digital computer was invented by?
    1. John Vincent Atanasoff
    2. Steve Jobs
    3. Charless babbage
    4. James watson