• K2 is also known as?
    1. Goodwin Austin
    2. Chogori
    3. Killer mountain
    4. A and B

  • when was the parachute invented___________?
    1. 1560s
    2. 1570s
    3. 1783s
    4. 1470s

  • Scientific bureau of Economic Cooperation Organization is situated in______________?
    1. Tehran
    2. Turkey
    3. Qatar
    4. Pakistan

  • Eyeglasses are invented in Italy in________?
    1. 1586
    2. 1286
    3. 1386
    4. 1486

  • Blood which heart pumps to lungs is__________?
    1. deoxygenated blood
    2. lymph fluid
    3. atria blood
    4. oxygenated blood

  • Headquarter of NASA is located in_______?
    1. South Wales
    2. Berlin
    3. Bern
    4. Washington

  • The poorest region of the world is__________?
    1. the Middle East
    2. sub-Saharan Africa
    3. Asia
    4. Latin America

  • Between which of the following was the ancient town of Takshasila located__________?
    1. Indus and Jhelum
    2. Jhelum and Chenab
    3. Chenab and Ravi
    4. Ravi and Beas

  • The Indus Valley Civilization specialized in_______?
    1. Town Planning
    2. Architecture
    3. Craftsmanship
    4. All of these

  • TAPI gas Pipeliine stands for ?
    1. Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India
    2. Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India
    3. Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India
    4. None of the above

  • Who is the National Poet of Afghanistan?
    1. Amir crore
    2. Khushal khan khattak
    3. Rehman Baba
    4. None of these

  • Who invented optical fiber?
    1. Samuel Cohen
    2. Narinder Kapany
    3. Percy L.Spencer
    4. T.H. MaimahA

  • Which of the following Island group named as ';Sandwich Island';?
    1. Hawaii Island
    2. Falkland Islands
    3. Greenland
    4. Tuvalu

  • Which of the following is the largest Island of Japan?
    1. Hokkaido
    2. Honshu
    3. Shikoku
    4. Kyushu

  • If we say the child has an IQ of 100, what does this means?

  • Who was the first president of Uzbekistan?
    1. Abdulhashim Mutalov
    2. Oʻtkir Sultonov
    3. Islam Karimov
    4. Nigmatilla Yuldashev

  • Who defeated Darius III in the Battle of Gaugamela?
    1. Aristotle
    2. Julius Caesar
    3. Napoleon Bonaparte
    4. Alexander the Great

  • Who founded the Achaemenid Empire?
    1. Darius I
    2. Cambyses II
    3. Cyrus the Great
    4. Alexander the Great

  • Which king was first addressed as ‘Your Majesty’?
    1. Akbar
    2. Louis
    3. Victoria
    4. Henry VIII

  • Who is the founder of Greek historiography?
    1. Aristotle
    2. Herodotus
    3. Thucydides
    4. Hippocrates

  • Who became the first ever non Muslim woman elected to Pakistan';s senate?
    1. Sonakshi kumari
    2. Payal kumari
    3. Soni kumari

  • Which monarch called himself as the Second Alexander?
    1. Akbar
    2. Ashoka
    3. Samudragupta
    4. Ala-ud-din Khilji

  • What is the national currency of Hong Kong?
    1. Taiwan dollar
    2. Yen
    3. Hong Kong dollar

  • When was the first petrol Car developed?
    1. 1885-1886
    2. 1887-1888
    3. 1888-1889
    4. 1889-1890

  • Where is Headquarter of World Economic Forum is in_____________?
    1. London
    2. Paris
    3. Cologny
    4. Geneva