• Which is the deepest lake of the world ?
    1. Lake Baikal
    2. Caspian Lake
    3. Wular Lake
    4. Lake Victoria

  • one nautical mile is equal to how many kilometers?
    1. 1.613
    2. 1.932
    3. 1.853
    4. 1.766

  • which country is called ";land of Mountains";?
    1. France
    2. Nepal
    3. Japan
    4. Norway

  • Which country is known as “Land of Rising Sun” ?
    1. Japan
    2. Korea
    3. Canada
    4. Russia

  • which river flows behind the Taj Mahal?
    1. Yamuna river
    2. Narmada river
    3. Indus river
    4. Beas river

  • Who Translated Holy Quran in Persian?
    1. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani
    2. Shah Wali Ullah
    3. Hazrat Majdad Alif Sani
    4. None of these

  • In which country is the volcano Mount Aso?
    1. China
    2. Taiwan
    3. Japan
    4. None of these

  • Veto power is not possessed by?
    1. U.K
    2. U.S.A
    3. Russia
    4. West Germany

  • The SAARC movement was launched for?
    1. Political alliances
    2. Regional cooperation
    3. Cultural exchanges
    4. Military strategy

  • Which Bank has given First loan in Millions to Pakistan government at the time independence?
    1. UBL Bank
    2. HBL Bank
    3. National Bank
    4. MCB Bank

  • 72 session of UN general Assembly held on?
    1. September​ 12 to 24, 2017
    2. September 12 to 25, 2017
    3. September 13 to 26, 2017
    4. September 11 to 24, 2017

  • Who inaugurated ';World Teachers'; Day?
    1. UN
    2. SAARC
    3. UNESCO
    4. None

  • The 2017 World Animal Day (WAD) is observed on which date?
    1. October 5
    2. October 3
    3. October 4
    4. October 6

  • When was the term ( United Kingdom) first used?
    1. 1815
    2. 1800
    3. 1795
    4. 1755

  • UNICEF stand for__________?
    1. United Nations Internal Cultural Educational Foundation
    2. United Nations International Children';s Emergency Fund
    3. United Nations International Children Educational Foundation
    4. United Nations International Cultural Emergency Fund

  • Ex-state of ";Amb"; is famous for__________?
    1. Tidal Forests
    2. Artificial Forests
    3. Natural Forests
    4. Beta Forests

  • The Air line Qantas belongs to which country ?
    1. Spain
    2. South Africa
    3. Australia
    4. Norway

  • Which is the highest mountain in the world?
    1. K_2
    2. Nanga Parbat
    3. Everest
    4. Siachen

  • where is Bangladesh located?
    1. Africa
    2. Eastern Asia
    3. Western Asia
    4. Southern Asia

  • International day of Non-Violence day observed on_______________?
    1. 1st October
    2. 2nd October
    3. 3rd October
    4. 4th October

  • First Muslim interpreter of Quran in English is _____________?
    1. Abdul Kalam Azad
    2. Anwar Saddat
    3. Shah Waliullah
    4. Abdul Hakeem

  • French revolution began in:
    1. 1789
    2. 1790
    3. 1791
    4. 1792

  • In which year New Zealand Government granted unqualified right of vote to women:
    1. 1873
    2. 1883
    3. 1893
    4. 2004

  • To which country Christopher Columbus did belong?
    1. Spain
    2. England
    3. Italy
    4. Rome

  • Bostan Tea Party is associated with the_________?
    1. Battle of bunker hill
    2. American Independence
    3. civil war
    4. Ibrahim Lincoln