• Pound Sterling is the Currency of____________?
    1. United Kingdom
    2. United States
    3. Germany
    4. Canada

  • Who is the Current President of Russia?
    1. Vladimir Putin
    2. Donald John Trump
    3. Xi Jinping
    4. Dmitry Medvedev

  • The Capital of Canada is ___________?
    1. Otawa
    2. Brussels
    3. Geneva
    4. Birmingham

  • The world largest Muslim country by area is ____________?
    1. Saudi arab
    2. Kazakhstan
    3. Pakistan
    4. Indonesia

  • 2018 Olympics will be played in ___________?
    1. PyeongChang
    2. Tokio
    3. Karachi
    4. Qatar

  • According to the latest research on smoking comsumption in Asia 2017 _______________ is at the top of the list?
    1. India
    2. Pakistan
    3. Sri lanka
    4. Bangladesh

  • Eiffel tower is located in which country?
    1. network
    2. France
    3. Brussels
    4. India

  • Who played role of Quaid-e-Azam in film ";Jinnah"; which was released 7 November 1998?
    1. Micky arther
    2. Christopher Lee
    3. Shashi Kapoor
    4. Jamil Dehalvi

  • Recently United Nations general assembly 2107 session was _____________?
    1. 70
    2. 71
    3. 72
    4. 73

  • Dead Sea located in which country?
    1. US
    2. Indonesia
    3. Jordan
    4. Belgium

  • Dove is a symbol of?
    1. Love
    2. Peace
    3. Humanity
    4. Charity

  • Which Country is not involved in BRICS?
    1. China
    2. Russia
    3. India
    4. Germany

  • Which country invades Egypt during Suez crisis in 1956?
    1. England
    2. France
    3. Israel
    4. Germany

  • What does the CPEC stands for ?
    1. China Pakistan Electrical Coal
    2. China Pakistan Electronics Corporation
    3. China Pakistan Economic Corridor
    4. China Portagal Economical Corporation

  • What is the total length of Indus River?
    1. 2900 km
    2. 2514 km
    3. 3180 km
    4. 7854 km

  • The headquarter of organizations for the prohibition of chemical weapons?
    1. Russia
    2. USA
    3. Australia
    4. Nederland

  • Which is the currency of Iraq?
    1. Rouble
    2. Dinar
    3. Taka
    4. Peso

  • Highest flag of South Asia is In_________?
    1. Pakistan
    2. India
    3. Afghanistan
    4. Bangladesh

  • Tenge is the currency of____________?
    1. New Zealand
    2. Malaysia
    3. Finland
    4. Kazakhstan

  • Jezira Haft Talar is another name of ____________?
    1. Churna Island
    2. Astola Island
    3. Mana Island
    4. Bundal Island

  • extended ASCII coding system provides_____________?
    1. 256 different characters
    2. 512 different characters
    3. 1024 different characters
    4. 128 different characters

  • Who is the Current CEO of Microsoft?
    1. Babbage
    2. Bill Gates
    3. Bill Clinton
    4. Satya Nadella

  • One Belt, One Road’ (OBOR) summit-2017 was held in May in___________?
    1. Pakistan
    2. India
    3. China
    4. Iran

  • Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada served as the Secretary General of the OIC during ____________?
    1. 1973-1977
    2. 1985-1988
    3. 1988-1991
    4. 1996-2002

  • who is newly elected president of Germany in February-2017?
    1. Joachim Gauck
    2. Frank-Walter Steinmeier
    3. Christian Wulff
    4. Angela Merkel