• ';Okinawa';, a chain of islands, is part of______?
    1. Japan
    2. USA
    3. UK
    4. Taiwan

  • The medieval Gyanvapi mosque is in?
    1. Varansai, India
    2. New Dehli, India
    3. Banglore, India
    4. None of these
    5. Regarded as the spiritual capital of India, the city draws Hindu pilgrims who bathe in the Ganges River’s sacred waters and perform funeral rites.

  • Red, Green, Blue & white Rivers are located in which Country ___________ ?
    1. China
    2. Russia
    3. America
    4. None of These

  • Gautama Buddha was born in ____________?
    1. 623 BC
    2. 723 BC
    3. 823 BC
    4. 923 BC

  • The second most spoken language in Pakistan is __________?
    1. Punjabi
    2. Pashto
    3. Sindhi
    4. Saraiki

  • The book ";Zulfi, My friend is written by _____________?
    1. Piloo Modi
    2. Patric white
    3. Albert Spear
    4. None of these

  • How many Muslims received Noble Peace Prize till to 2022?
    1. 5
    2. 6
    3. 7
    4. 8

  • Construction of the Burj Khalifa began in 2004 and completed five years later in ________?
    1. 2007
    2. 2008
    3. 2009
    4. None of these

  • Tharparkar ( Sindh) is the_______ largest desert in the world and is considered to be the only fertile desert?
    1. 18th
    2. 19th
    3. 20th
    4. None of these

  • The smallest state of USA in area is __________?
    1. Maine
    2. Rhode Island
    3. New Jersey
    4. Hawaii

  • New England in North America is _____________?
    1. Island of England
    2. State of USA
    3. Region comprising six states of USA
    4. Province of Canada

  • What is the official language of Oman?
    1. English
    2. Urdu
    3. Arabic
    4. Turkish

  • What is the currency of Syria?
    1. Dirham
    2. Peso
    3. Syrian pound
    4. None of these

  • The River Irrawaddy is the life blood of ___________?
    1. Myanmar
    2. Bangladesh
    3. Thailand
    4. Laos

  • The headquarter of European Central Bank is situated in __________?
    1. Paris, France
    2. Frankfurt, Germany
    3. Brussels, Belgium
    4. Rome, Italy

  • The euro currency came into existence on ____________?
    1. 1 Jan 1999
    2. 1 Jan 1996
    3. 1 Jan 1995
    4. 1 Jan 2002

  • Which stock exchange is known as ";The Big Board";?
    1. Nasdaq Stock Exchange
    2. Shanghai Stock Exchange
    3. London Stock Exchange
    4. New York Stock Exchange

  • China sea is outflow from which river?
    1. Yangtze River
    2. Amazon River
    3. Orang River
    4. None of these

  • Arabian sea is a part of ______________?
    1. South Pacific
    2. Arctic ocean
    3. South Atlantic ocean
    4. Indian Ocean

  • Little corporal is the nickname of ______________?
    1. Napoleon
    2. Queen Elizabeth
    3. Shakespeare
    4. None of these

  • What is the parliament of Lativa?
    1. National Assembly
    2. Chamber of Deputies
    3. Diet
    4. Seimas

  • What is the parliament of Poland?
    1. Sejm
    2. Monarchy
    3. National Assembly
    4. None of these

  • What is the emblem of Mongolia?
    1. Lily
    2. Lion
    3. Rose
    4. The Soyombo

  • The gate of tears is called of __________?
    1. Palestine
    2. Bab-el-mamdab
    3. Yemen
    4. Syria

  • Largest Producer of Rice in the World?
    1. Russia
    2. India
    3. China
    4. Pakistan