• Which river passes through maximum number of countries?
    1. Mississippi
    2. Amazon
    3. Yangtze
    4. Danube

  • World';s Quietest Room is in the _________  Country?
    1. The U.S.A
    2. United Kingdom
    3. Canada
    4. Australia

  • The architect of Faisal Mosque was: ___________?
    1. Kenzo Tange
    2. Vedat Dalokay
    3. Nasreddin Murat Khan
    4. Diotisalvi

  • When Iran officially became an Islamic Republic on ___________?
    1. March 01, 1979
    2. April 01, 1979
    3. February 01, 1979
    4. None of these

  • When did Islamic Revolution occur in Iran?
    1. 1976
    2. 1978
    3. 1979
    4. 1980

  • Treaty of Sevres was signed in ___________?
    1. 1919
    2. 1920
    3. 1921
    4. None of these

  • 27th March celebrated as Wolrd ________ Day?
    1. Forest Day
    2. Library Day
    3. Theatre(Entertainment) Day
    4. Water Day

  • Which animal can create the loudest sound among any living creature?
    1. Donkey
    2. Monkey
    3. Humpback whales
    4. None of these

  • Which Country is the full member of SCO ?
    1. Belarus
    2. Afghanistan
    3. Mongolia

  • Which country lies on the western side of the Iberian Peninsula?
    1. Spain
    2. Portugal
    3. France
    4. Andorra

  • What was the theme of the 2022 World Water Day (WWD) __________?
    1. Leaving no one behind
    2. Better Water, Better Jobs
    3. Water for All
    4. Groundwater, making the invisible visible

  • The largest source of pollution in the world is__________?
    1. Herbicides and Insecticides
    2. Automobile exhausts
    3. Sewage and garbage
    4. Industrial effluents

  • Twitter was created by: ___________?
    1. Biz Stone
    2. All Above

  • What is the name of Russian Space Agency?
    1. Gazprom
    2. Roscomos
    3. ISS
    4. None of these

  • ";Big Bash League"; is related to which sports?
    1. Football
    2. Baseball
    3. Hockey
    4. Cricket

  • LAC is between which countries?
    1. China and India
    2. Pakistan and China
    3. China and  Kazakhstan
    4. Afghanistan and China

  • LOC is between which countries.?
    1. Pakistan-China
    2. Pakistan-India
    3. Pakistan-Afghanistan
    4. Pakistan-Iran

  • Where is Makran medical college located?
    1. Faisalabad
    2. Quetta
    3. Ziarat
    4. Turbat

  • Which one of the following is the world';s loftiest peak?
    1. Mount Everest
    2. Mount Kilimanjaro
    3. Mount Elbrus
    4. All of above

  • Treaty of Vienna was signed in which year?
    1. 1809
    2. 1812
    3. 1815

  • How many time word PAKISTAN has been used in National Anthem of Pakistan?
    1. 4 times
    2. 3 times
    3. 2 times
    4. 1 time

  • Arak Nuclear power plant is located in which country?
    1. China
    2. Iraq
    3. Iran
    4. None of these

  • KOTO Hydropower Project Timergara Dir of KPK Province generation capacity is _________ Megawatts?
    1. 25 MW
    2. 35 MW
    3. 40.08 MW
    4. None of these

  • The official residence of president of South Korea is: ___________?
    1. Blue House
    2. White House
    3. Chitralada Palace
    4. Temple Trees

  • Who said ";Democracy is government of the people by the people for the people";?
    1. Abraham Lincoln
    2. Walter Stone
    3. George Washington
    4. Jean Austin