• Book ";The Idea Of Pakistan"; is written by?
    1. Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema
    2. Robert C.Tucker
    3. Stephen Philip Cohen
    4. None of them

  • The Battle of Halani was fought in 1783 between the Baloch tribe Talpurs and the Sindhi tribe Kalhora for?
    1. The control of Sindh region
    2. The control of Baloch region
    3. Both of them
    4. None of them

  • Who was Prime Minister of Pakistan on 2nd December 1988?
    1. Zulfiqar ali Bhutto
    2. M.Nawaz Sharif
    3. Muhammad khan junejo
    4. Benazir Bhutto

  • Which of the following is not a reason for increasing workforce diversity?
    1. Changing Demographics
    2. Product quality Consciousness
    3. Political legal system
    4. Globalization of business

  • How many members of European union do not use euro as a currency?
    1. Seven
    2. Eight
    3. Eleven
    4. All members use euro as a currency

  • Word ";United Nations"; was coined by?
    1. George Washington
    2. 51 founder members
    3. Franklin Roosevelt
    4. None of these

  • Oasis is associated with __________?
    1. Glaciers
    2. Volcanoes
    3. Islands
    4. Desert

  • Theory of continental drift was presented by?
    1. Wegener
    2. Lyyel
    3. Richter
    4. Gutenberg

  • Bees are found on every continent of earth except?
    1. Europe
    2. Africa
    3. Antarctica
    4. None of these

  • The largest primate animal in the world is?
    1. Giraffe
    2. Gorilla
    3. Monkey
    4. None of these

  • The most rain fall ever recorded at __________?
    1. Panipat India
    2. Cherrapunji India
    3. Murray Pakistan
    4. Antarctica

  • Schengen Agreement came into force in?
    1. 1990
    2. 1995
    3. 1994
    4. 1999

  • Shuttle weight used in badminton is ___________.
    1. 4.75 to 5.50 g
    2. 4.75 to 6.50 g
    3. 4.10 to 7.50 g
    4. None of these

  • ";AD"; Stands For __________?
    1. After Demonstration
    2. After Domini
    3. Anno Domini
    4. After Death

  • ";Chambeli"; is known as ______________?
    1. Summer Queen
    2. Summer princess
    3. Winter Queen
    4. Winter Princess

  • The word ideology is __________ in origin
    1. Spanish
    2. Latin
    3. Greek
    4. French

  • What is the date of birth of Imran khan?
    1. 5 -; Oct 1950
    2. 5 -; Oct 1952
    3. 6 -; Oct 1954
    4. 5 -; Oct 1956

  • The world';s shortest street is?
    1. Ebenezer place
    2. Vicolo della virilita
    3. Yonge street
    4. None of these

  • Which fish can swim backwards?
    1. Moray Eal
    2. Shark
    3. Dolphin
    4. Lenok

  • What is ";Indian purple emperor";?
    1. Mughal ruler
    2. Butterfly
    3. Indigo plant
    4. None of these

  • What is the national fish of pakistan?
    1. Masheer
    2. Indus dolphin
    3. Trout
    4. None of these

  • Which province of Pakistan has highest number of volcano?
    1. Balochistan
    2. Kpk
    3. Sindh
    4. None of these

  • In which year Tor zawar volcano erupt lava in Pakistan?
    1. 2010
    2. 2011
    3. 2012
    4. None of these

  • In Pakistan what is the name of volcano that erupt lava?
    1. Tor zawar volcano
    2. Chandargup volcano
    3. Hingol volcano
    4. None of these

  • Which is the deepest River of the world?
    1. Nile
    2. Amazon
    3. Congo
    4. None of these