• Who Wrote ";History of God";?
    1. Karen Armstrong
    2. Keith Callard
    3. Lawrence Ziring
    4. PR Comball

  • Name of Architect of Burj Khalifa?
    1. Adrian Smith
    2. Henry paul
    3. Ahmad Lahori
    4. Bill Bakar

  • Who was the founder of Afghanistan?
    1. Sher Shar Suri
    2. Balban
    3. Ahmad Shah
    4. None of these

  • The author of the Book "; The World As I See It";?
    1. Adam smith
    2. Dante
    3. Albert Einstein
    4. Homer

  • Hotmail was founded by Jack Smith along with?
    1. Shawn Fanning
    2. Ada Byron
    3. Sabeer Bhatia
    4. Bill Gates

  • Hot mail was founded in?
    1. 1969
    2. 1996
    3. 1995
    4. 2001

  • Which country besides India celebrates its independence day on 15th August?
    1. Japan
    2. China
    3. USA
    4. South Korea

  • The region Gedrosia during times of Alexander,the great is?
    1. Sindh
    2. Baluchistan
    3. N.W.F.P
    4. Punjab

  • Which explorer discovered the Island on Jamaica?
    1. Franscis Drake
    2. Christopher Columbus
    3. Ferdinand Magellan
    4. Vasco da Gama

  • Stockholm the capital of Sweden is built on how many small islands?
    1. 44
    2. 4
    3. 14
    4. 24

  • Basutoland is the old name of?
    1. Benin
    2. Lesotho
    3. Burkina Faso
    4. None of these

  • NAMA is a space agency of:
    1. Netherlands
    2. Nigeria
    3. France
    4. Italy

  • The Oscar Award was won 22 times by:
    1. Charlie Award
    2. Alfred Hitchcock
    3. Walt Disney
    4. Kurosawa

  • The oldest era is:
    1. Hijri era
    2. English era
    3. Saka era
    4. Paleozoic Era

  • Who was the first man to win Nobel Prize for literature:
    1. Sir Winston Churchill
    2. Rudyard Kipling
    3. Theodor Mommsen
    4. Sully Prudhomme

  • Which government established a committee to study the plan for the formation of league of Nations?
    1. British Government
    2. American Government
    3. French Government
    4. German Government

  • Schwechat is the airport of?
    1. Australia
    2. Italy
    3. Vienna
    4. UK

  • Which institution was the first attempt in the history towards the formation of the International society nations:
    1. League of Nation
    2. United Nations
    3. International UN Federation
    4. International Institution

  • The normal term of office of the United Nation Secretary General is:
    1. 3 Years
    2. 4 Years
    3. 5 Years
    4. 6 Years

  • Total area of Chechnya is:
    1. 17300 Sq Km
    2. 15200 Sq Km
    3. 10900 Sq Km
    4. None of these

  • World';s bread basket is the distinctive name of:
    1. North America
    2. South America
    3. Cuba
    4. None of these

  • Where is the Cueva de las Manos, or ";Cave of the Hands"; ?
    1. Peru
    2. Argentina
    3. Indonesia
    4. china

  • Pakistan';s most famous painter is ____________?
    1. Ghulam Rasool
    2. Saleem Raza
    3. Fazal mahmood
    4. Sadeqain

  • HIV Abbreviation?
    1. Human Immune-deficiency Virus
    2. Human Infection-disease Virus
    3. Human Influence Virus
    4. Human Intramuscular-deficiency Virus

  • Which country first made paper note?
    1. Pakistan
    2. London
    3. China
    4. Japan