• The only organ of UN which has the headquarters outside New York is?
    1. The Security Council
    2. The Economic and Social Council
    3. International Court of Justice
    4. The Trusteeship Council

  • How many are regional commissions of The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)?
    1. Three
    2. Five
    3. Seven
    4. Eight

  • How many are major committees of UN General Assembly?
    1. Four
    2. Five
    3. Six
    4. Seven

  • When was the Trusteeship Council suspended in operation on?
    1. November 1,1994
    2. November 1,1995
    3. November 1,1996
    4. November 1,1997

  • Where is the headquarter of The United Nations Inter regional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)?
    1. Berlin
    2. Turin
    3. Geneva
    4. London

  • When was the 6th Language Arabic preferred as the Official Language of UN?
    1. 1963
    2. 1973
    3. 1976
    4. 1984

  • When was UN Flag adopted on?
    1. 12 December 1946
    2. 7 December 1946
    3. 1 December 1946
    4. October 20, 1949

  • Ljubljana is a capital city of which country?
    1. Slovenia
    2. Bulgaria
    3. Lithuania
    4. Malta

  • Bratislava is a capital city of which country?
    1. Slovakia
    2. Romenia
    3. Slovenia
    4. Bulgaria

  • First Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to?
    1. Priestly
    2. Roentgen
    3. Madam Curie
    4. Alexander Fleming

  • The second highest plateau in the world situated in?
    1. Deosai, Skardu, Pakistan
    2. Snake, Colombia
    3. Deccan,India
    4. Kimberley, Australia

  • Gomal Zam dam is located in ___________?
    1. North Waziristan
    2. South Waziristan
    3. Kurram
    4. Mohmand

  • Russo-Japanese war was fought during __________ ?
    1. 1902-1903
    2. 1901-1902
    3. 1904-1905

  • Who was the first Governor General of India __________ ?
    1. Warren Hasting
    2. Lord Barlow
    3. Lord Clive

  • Who was the first chancellor of Germany?
    1. Whilhelm
    2. Adolf Hitler

  • Battle of Waterloo brought the downfall of?
    1. Napoleon II
    2. Bourbons
    3. French Nobility

  • Which country supported US in her war against England?
    1. Spain
    2. Belgium

  • US declared independence from England in __________?
    1. 1776
    2. 1777
    3. 1878
    4. 1781

  • The Thirty Year War lasted from?
    1. 1625 to 1665
    2. 1640 to 1670

  • Which newly discovered land was named after Amerigo Vespucci?
    1. West Indies
    2. America
    3. Indonesia
    4. Australia

  • Joan of Arc was a French military leader and a hero of?
    1. War of Roses
    2. French Civil war

  • Galelio Galilie was a renowned philosopher, scientist and engineer from?
    1. France
    2. Germany

  • Battle of Lepanto was fought in?
    1. 1560
    2. 1555

  • Haroon al Rashid was a caliph of __________ dynasty ?
    1. Abbasid
    2. Bowahid
    3. Alide

  • Who were the Axis powers in World War-II?
    1. Poland, Japan, Germany
    2. Italy, Japan, Britain
    3. Germany, Italy, France
    4. Germany, Italy, Japan