• What is total area of New Zealand ?
    1. 268021 km sq
    2. 288021 km sq
    3. 292012 km sq
    4. 299012 km sq

  • The weight of the ball used in Test cricket matches is ____________?
    1. 4.57 ounces (130 g)
    2. 5.00 ounces (142 g)
    3. 5.75 ounces (149 g)
    4. 5.50 ounces (156 g)

  • Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC) was founded on ___________ ?
    1. 15 November 2015
    2. 15 December 2015
    3. 15 January 2015
    4. 15 February 2015

  • When is Pi (π) day celebrated all over the world?
    1. 4 March
    2. 10 March
    3. 14 March
    4. 20 March

  • Who was the first Engineer of the World?
    1. Newton
    2. Pascal
    3. Imhotep
    4. Einstein

  • Tribe in the equatorial region of Malaysia is called?
    1. Dayaks
    2. Kabus
    3. Pygmies
    4. Semang

  • The revolution of fish production is called?
    1. White Revolution
    2. Blue Revolution
    3. Yellow Revolution
    4. None of these

  • Moscow became the capital of Russia again __________?
    1. 1917
    2. 1918
    3. 1920
    4. 1921

  • Harvard College was named after clergyman John Harvard on __________?
    1. February 1639
    2. March 1639
    3. April 1640
    4. May 1641

  • Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, was discovered by Christiaan Huygens on _________ ?
    1. May 1655
    2. April 1655
    3. March 1655
    4. February 27, 1655

  • When was the city of Valencia founded in present-day Venezuela __________?
    1. June 6, 1555
    2. October 1555
    3. March 1555
    4. April 1555

  • Guru Amar Das became the Third Sikh guru on _________?
    1. March 1552
    2. April 1553
    3. October 1654
    4. December 1, 1552

  • Utrecht University was founded in the Netherlands on ___________ ?
    1. March 1636
    2. April 1537
    3. October 1638
    4. June 5, 1639

  • Royal Albert Hall was opened by Queen Victoria on _______ ?
    1. 1870
    2. 1871
    3. 1888
    4. None of these

  • The Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Crimean War on _________?
    1. February 1855
    2. March 1856
    3. April 1956
    4. None of these

  • In United States, the Congress declared independence from Great Britain on ___________?
    1. July 4, 1776
    2. July 4, 1778
    3. July 4, 1775

  • United States was discovered by Christopher Columbus during his voyage in _______?
    1. 1488
    2. 1490

  • World War II in Europe was outbreak by the German invasion of ______?
    1. Russia
    2. Croatia
    3. France

  • Napoleon Bonaparte was a __________ military and political leader ?
    1. British
    2. German
    3. French

  • The Royal Australian Air Force was formed on ________?
    1. January 1921
    2. March 1921
    3. April 1921
    4. May 1921

  • Socotra island belongs to which country ?
    1. USA
    2. UK
    3. France
    4. Yemen

  • Where is Socotra island ________?
    1. Arabian sea
    2. South China sea
    3. Red sea
    4. Indian Ocean

  • Qatar has donated ____ million dollar for Syrian refugees?
    1. 50
    2. 60
    3. 70
    4. 80

  • Which Gulf separated Yemen from Somalia?
    1. Persian gulf
    2. Gulf of Aqba
    3. Gulf of Adan
    4. None of these

  • Which country billionaire announced to build 100,000 housing units in Pakistan?
    1. India
    2. Uk
    3. Russia
    4. Egypt