• The war criminals of the 2nd World War were put to trial in?
    1. Nuremburg
    2. Peiter’sburg
    3. Gettysburg
    4. Peitsburg

  • Who ruled the eastern part of Roman Empire after its division?
    1. Titus
    2. Constantine
    3. Augustus

  • William the Conquerer was __________ before becoming King of England ?
    1. King of Sweden
    2. A viking Earl
    3. Duke of Saxony

  • Who was first captain of Pakistan Hockey Team?
    1. Ali Iqtadar Shah Dara
    2. Hamidullah Khan Burki
    3. Manzoor Hussain Atif
    4. Munir Ahmed Dar

  • Peloponnesian wars were fought from _______?
    1. 532 to 530 BC

  • Who was the First Norman king of England ________?
    1. Bjorn
    2. Harold Godwin son
    3. Henry

  • Battle of Hastings was fought in _________?
    1. 1066
    2. 1068
    3. 1070
    4. 1075

  • Crusaders besieged Jerusalem in ___________?
    1. 1099
    2. 1102
    3. 1097
    4. 1010

  • Rome conquered Jerusalem in __________?
    1. 60 BCE
    2. 70 BCE
    3. 63 BCE
    4. 80 BCE

  • Hannibal was a renowned military strategist and general of __________?
    1. Sparta
    2. Troy

  • Punic wars were fought between _________?
    1. Romans and Gaul
    2. Romans and Vandals
    3. Greece and Romans

  • Cyrus was the famous conqueror of ___________?

  • Area where World’s first civilization emerged _________?
    1. Congo River valley
    2. Yucatan Peninsula
    3. Grand Canyon

  • In the war of 1812, Britain set fire to White House in ________?
    1. April 1813
    2. August 1813
    3. and burn the White House in retaliation for the American attack on the city of York in Ontario, Canada, in June 1813.

  • Which Pakistani prime minister is offered for the noble price of peace?
    1. Nawaz sharif
    2. Imran khan
    3. Yousaf raza Gillani
    4. Ch shujjat

  • The final of PSL4 was played in which city of Pakistan?
    1. Lahore
    2. Karachi
    3. Islamabad
    4. Peshawar

  • The World';s highest active volcano is located in?
    1. Brazil
    2. Chile
    3. India
    4. None of these

  • Hibok volcano which exploded in 1951 present in Which Country?
    1. United States
    2. Philippines
    3. Singapore
    4. None of these

  • Who wrote the book "; Gandhi and Stalin"; ?
    1. Louis Fisher
    2. Rajmohan Gandhi
    3. Walter Scot
    4. Thomas Hardy

  • A famous novel "; Pride and prejudice"; is written by:
    1. R.L. Stevenson
    2. Jane Austen
    3. George Eliot
    4. Shakespeare

  • How many Talukas in district Shikarpur?
    1. 6
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 2

  • After the first world war the Dawes Plan was launched in the year _________?
    1. 1922
    2. 1924
    3. 1925

  • In regard of precautionary measures what is meant by HSE?
    1. Health Safety and Equipments
    2. Health Safety and encourage
    3. Health Safety and Environment .
    4. None of these

  • What is meant by CBT?
    1. Competency Based Training
    2. Competency Based Teacher
    3. Career Based Testing
    4. None of these

  • When was the German Social Democratic Party founded in Poland _________ ?
    1. 1920
    2. 1921
    3. 1922
    4. 1927